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Everything posted by GeneralIx

  1. I don't know how it works (I myself haven't tried it yet) but I've heard of a bootmanager which says it can manage lots of os's at the same time without having problems (linux and windows etc shouldn't give any problems with it it says). The program is called OSL2000. I hope that helps. Greets, Il Patino
  2. Just for the educational purpose of course, you can download such releases. I saw some passing by at Demonoid. I hope this is what you were looking for and can find out how they managed... Greets, General Ix
  3. I think I may have a better method that involves slightly less hassle to replace your logonui. This is the link to my solution, I hope it will prove helpful. Greets, General Ix
  4. Nevermind, I found my way around. You install logonstudio and make your own theme, apply it and you then go to your system32 directory and filter out the logonuiX.exe file. Put this one in your $OEM$\$$\system32 folder. So much for step 1. Step two is making this file used as your logonscreen, it's not as hard as it sounds. In fact all you need to do is adjust a registry key in a .reg file and make a .bat or a .cmd file to put this in your register. Firstly, let's write the .reg file. Open up notepad and type in the following: ; Set default logonscreen to logonuiX.exe [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] "UIHost"="%windir%\\system32\\logonuiX.exe" Save this file as a .reg file named logonui.reg (or something else but this is the name I'll stick to) in the $OEM$\$1\Install folder. The next thing to do is make the .cmd file. Open up notepad again and type in: @echo off cmdow @ /HID REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\Install\logonui.reg EXIT Save this file as logonui.cmd. The cmdow @ /HID is optional, depending on if you have this program or not. And lastly to have it all work, openup cmdlines.txt and add: [COMMANDS] "logonui.cmd" If all that's done correctly as outlined here it works I hope this will help you guys Greets, General Ix
  5. Which program do you use ? I tried using PE Explorer yet this led to a crash...
  6. What for? I asked a question, I gave no answers. I merely said that you could edit your logonui.exe with PE Explorer, but this leads to a crash.
  7. My custom Windows setup is now working the way I wanted it to, nearly everything starts customised, the theme, the background, the registry etc. The only thing I'm really eager to change now is the logonscreen. I have tried to modify the logonui.exe with PE Editor but this led to a fine crash (My eternal grattitude to VMWare for making crashes on virtual machines instead of my own B) ) so I was wondering how to change the original logonscreen with a .logonxp file. Any possibilities of installing logonxp and then having a batchfile enable it? Or anything better (or worse, as long as it works )? Thanks in advance
  8. Thanks for your suggestion of the UnattendSwitch = Yes, it worked! Thanks !
  9. No that didn't do the trick, that was already that way. I found the solution however, thank you JuMz. It was the UnattendSwitch=Yes that I missed out on. Thanks anyway for taking time to reply.
  10. I'm going to try the UnattendSwitch = Yes tomorrow, I'm about 105 kilometers from home at the moment But it sounds like the solution I was looking for. Thanks a lot! No it's not the autoactivate= Yes, I've made mine preactivated. It asks for registering not activating You don't need a royalty OEM release to preactivate. Just copy your own: %SystemRoot%\system32\OEMBIOS.BIN %SystemRoot%\system32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\OEMBIOS.CAT %SystemRoot%\system32\OEMBIOS.DAT %SystemRoot%\system32\OEMBIOS.SIG Makecab them and put the makecabbed (is this a verb?) versions in your I386 folder, worked fine for me. Not sure if you can do this if you have a cracked windows though...
  11. I've made such a fine unattended XP like the most of you too, followed the steps nicely, but at the first boot up i still get the screen that asks for username, would you like to register with microsoft now etc. I import the registry tweaks in the T13/12 stage yet I don't know how to bypass this screen. I'm hoping for your help. Thanks in advance! Yours, General Ix
  12. I've made such a fine unattended XP like the most of you too, followed the steps nicely, but at the first boot up i still get the screen that asks for username, would you like to register with microsoft now etc. I import the registry tweaks in the T13/12 stage yet I don't know how to bypass this screen. I'm hoping for your help. Thanks in advance! Yours, General Ix Sorry for posting in the wrong section
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