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Posts posted by Pistolero

  1. @myselfidem, thank you very, very much for the reply. This is actually my workaround (I use a little BAT file int he Command Prompt autorun reg key - HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\autorun - to set my network drive and change colors). However, my question to bensam is how he implemented this tweak, because CMD does NOT respect any custom settings put in its shortcut properties, so the tweak applied by RT7Lite is always active on ALL new CMD windows, regardless of whatever settings I choose as defaults...

    @Bensam, can you please describe what the CMD prompt color change tweak does and how?


    Hi Bensam,

    AWESOME program you have developed! I LOVE IT! THANK YOU!

    I have a question about one of the tweaks: I built a DVD with the Change CMD Prompt Color tweak, which worked, of course! but now I need to change the colors of those prompts which I start as Admin, and said changes do not stick! next time I open the prompt, it is back tot he tweaked green over black... can you plese indicate where I can disable this tweak on a live system?


    You can use Start |Run and write cmd

    type: color /?

    Sets the default console foreground and background colors.

    COLOR [attr]

    attr Specifies color attribute of console output

    Color attributes are specified by TWO hex digits -- the first corresponds to the background; the second the foreground.

    Each digit can be any of the below values.

    0 = Black 8 = Gray

    1 = Blue 9 = Light Blue

    2 = Green A = Light Green

    3 = Aqua B = Light Aqua

    4 = Red C = Light Red

    5 = Purple D = Light Purple

    6 = Yellow E = Light Yellow

    7 = White F = Bright White

    If no argument is given, this command restores the color to what it was when CMD.EXE started.

    This value either comes from the current console window, the /T command line switch or from the DefaultColor

    registry value.

    The COLOR command sets ERRORLEVEL to 1 if an attempt is made to execute the COLOR command with a foreground

    and background color that are the same.

    Reg file for white color

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    ; White color

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor]

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor]

  2. Hi Bensam,

    AWESOME program you have developed! I LOVE IT! THANK YOU!

    I have a question about one of the tweaks: I built a DVD with the Change CMD Prompt Color tweak, which worked, of course! but now I need to change the colors of those prompts which I start as Admin, and said changes do not stick! next time I open the prompt, it is back tot he tweaked green over black... can you plese indicate where I can disable this tweak on a live system?


  3. Hi Nuhi,

    Reporting that patching hacks (TCPIP, SFC, UXTHEME) seem to break a slipstreamed XP SP3 RTM install. IIS will not install, WMI ditto, Task Manager will not show user name owning a process, 99% of true addons do not install (they seem to integrate OK, but are absent from the finished product)

    Any chance you could look into it, please?

    Thanks for all your kick-a** work!


  4. Yaknow whats super weird? Did you make this disk onna Vista or 2008 machine? Apearantly that makes a huge difference because of the Existing windows "api's" or some weird shiat like that.

    I was having isues with it not taking my legit key untill I slipstreamed my disk on my xp boot parttition. So if you are having those issues and am using a current OS then I suggest trying to make your BASE (The SP3 iso) in an xp or older machine.

    As for the rest I included NO hotfixes just IE7 WMP11 & the usual bunch of addons I use (lemme grab the list)









    And they are all working very nicely.

    Nope... running under good old XP SP2 to create the install media... One thing I found out is that disabling nLite patching system files (TCPIP hack, SFC disabling, etc) then I can ping the test VM @ around T-16, which is promising. But older addons still seem to kill the install :-(

  5. Ummm that requirement is for a PRE-installed and running system...

    If you try to install it on a system installed with XP gold it will tell you SP1a at least is REQUIRED.

    I am currently on an SP3 final system that was integrated on a gold disk.

    To install SP3, your computer must meet the hardware and operating system requirements listed below. In addition, your computer must at least be running Windows XP with Service Pack 1 installed.

    We recommended that you have Service Pack 2 installed before installing SP3.

    See this means installed and installing, not slipstreaming.

    Hi Kel,

    I am having very weird issues with an XP Gold slipstreamed with SP3, pointing to weirdness with addons integrated with nLite. One of those addons happens to be your UberPack 12 (I mention it because it does integrate seemingly OK but the pack never makes it into the final, installed OS). Many things are also missing, such as WMI control, IIS, and weirdest of all, user names in the process view of Task Manager. None of the old Mrs. Peel addons make it, most of yours, some of mine... it's a mess.

    I just did a test with the same addons but with an SP2 source, and everything works as advertised... Are you seeing any of this weirdness with your own addons on your SP3 source?

    FYI: I notice that the resulting DVD will suck because the test VM doesn't respond to PING until after the 2nd reboot after RUNONCEEX...

  6. Hi all,

    Has anyone been able to integrate the 3Ware Escalade 7000/8000 RAID drivers into Windows 2003 32-bit and have it boot successfully? I am getting OK through text mode setup, OK through graphic mode setup, but upon first boot into the OS proper after setup is done I get an infinite reboot loop.

    It may have something to do with NLite complaining that "the parameter is incorrect" when slipstreaming the drivers...

    Please help.

  7. Pistolero, what bug? All I see is a suggestion. Gonna do it btw. nLite already does check for corruption of system CAB files like Driver.cab or SP2.cab.

    Thanks for the reply, Nuhi. I consider it a bug because it still integrates incomplete, missing and/or corrupted files out of a bum CAB without giving any kind of feedback or errors. The resulting Windows CD is useless as IE ends up broken, and another very weird symptom of a broken install: Normally, you should be able to ping the install-in-progress computer right after it installs the networking components at around T-25 or so... a broken CD will not return pings (even after it joined a domain) until the box is at a login prompt.

    Fixing this would be really appreciated, as it will save a ton of time when troubleshooting bad nLitings.

  8. HUGE, HUGE BUG found!

    Hi Nuhi,

    I found what I think is a big showstopper in the way nLite handles corrupted or incomplete CAB archived addons! Because CABs store the file list and details at the beginning of the file AND lack of CRC support, you can still open most corrupted and incomplete CAB files with your favorite utility and see what's in it (extracting will, of course, fail miserably).

    The problem lies in the way nLite (and the RyanVM Integrator as well) handle these corrupted files. Neither program will report any failures or halt the integration process when a bad CAB is encountered. Invariably, the resulting CD will be totally broken (IE will not work, many crashes, instability, etc.)

    You can very easily test this by mangling a CAB file with a file splitter (keep the CAB extension, though), perform an integration, and you'll see the result sucks horribly!

    This happened to me with an old addon, and due to this it took me forever to find the culprit. It was a file date of 1980 which gave the crappy file away, but by then I had already wasted days trying to get the CD to work.

    You could possibly fix this by making nLite's extraction sub-routines read the file listing in the CABs and make sure all the listed files were extracted successfully, and if not halt the process. Or even better, just *skip* the bad addon and continue (this will also be useful for other addon errors which stop the integration and waste time when they could just as easily be skipped.

    Hope this report is useful!

  9. Here's what I do:

    I install firefox and whatever extensions I like. Tweak it and set it up sweet. Then I close the program and copy the Mozilla dir in %AppData% to another partition. After I rebuild, the first thing I do is rename the default Mozilla folder and copy the backup back to %AppData% and then fire up the browser. Bingo! all my tweaks, extensions and settings are right there, just as they were before the rebuild!


  10. Can you imagine how much fun a sociologist would have deconstructing this topic? :-P

    @Debby: Keep on hacking, girl! Question: You have a choice of getting ONE gift, either a very expensive piece of jewelery (diamonds, of course), or a equivalently expensive huge-screen HDTV set. What would you choose?

  11. tap52584:

    Thats the XPize source code.


    - "noie" to skip IE7

    - "nowmp" to skip WMP11

    - "nordc" to skip Remote Desktop 6

    - "noboot" to skip Boot screen


    Thanks, XPero. One more question: How will the XPize installer handle finding ActiveSync 4.5 and Office 2007 instead of 4.0 and 2003, respectively? If it will freak out/break those programs, what are the silent switches to skip them? /noofice and /noas? :-)


  12. its easy

    first run "setup.exe /admin" from office 2k7 to create an automated install file (unattended.msp)

    save this file in the Folder "Updates"

    then SFX the whole office folder where setup.exe should be executed without any switches

    how to make an addon i hope u know ;)

    windows installer 3.1 is required

    I am a bit new in this add on making and everything, so if you could give me a more detailed explanation or something like a step by step instructions if it isn t to much to ask;)

    anyway thanks :)

    Read 'til you bleed, my friend. There is a wealth of information in these fora ripe for the taking.

  13. Yep. There are definitely issues integrating the latest RVM update pack with nLite... first thing I notice is that incoming network connections do NOT start on T-13 (as they should - instead, the puter is unpingable) but until the *second* reboot after setup! IE doesn't work right, and other miscellaneous issues...

  14. I am having a very weird issue... When logging on for the first time to an nLited install with RyanVM's latest pack (2.17), there is no Internet Explorer icons anywhere, and the quick launch bar is disabled. When opening iexplore.exe and going to Windows Update, it tells me the Windows Update files are not installed properly, and it loops from that install prompt to the "scan for updates" screen. Also, the system feels weird in other ways.

    Could it be the update pack along with RC2?

  15. That addon was probably just replacing one or two files in i386. What exactly would you expect entries.ini to contain for it, Pistolero? But yes, nLite certainly shouldn't be having problems with an INI like that :)

    You are indeed correct. But shouldn't it have made a couple of entries in a SIF file or something to make these two files actually copy over to the right place? Anyways, it made nLite run screaming like a little girl ;-)

  16. w00t! I found the mahfah that was hosing my installs! Nuhi... how does 1.3 handle frakked-up INIs from AddOns? Take a look at this and see if you can tell what's wrong with the picture:


    # Flash Update by: 5eraph #




    description=Macromedia Flash Player 9.0 r16 for Internet Explorer


    title=IE Flash Update



    That's it! Nothing more! No entries for the files included in the pack!

    The ideal behavior here would be for nLite to just ignore broken addons like this one, instead of trying to integrate them anyways... my guess is that this addon was causing invalid lines in the txtsetup.sif file or somewhere else, and that was preventing Internet Explorer from being installed, and that's where the ICFGNT error comes from.

    So, as promised, I give you a killer: http://www.esnips.com/doc/b1ac5709-2c7e-4b...Flash9R16_Addon

    Thanks for looking into this, Nuhi!

  17. Hola paisano!

    "keed" es una bastardizacion de "kid" significando "bromear".

    No deseo ofender a nadie con mis posts, mucho menos a alguien de mi tierra, pero la manera en que expresas tus preferencias puede ser percibida como arrogante y ofensiva por muchos en este foro.

    La gente aconsejandote que es innecesario pegar el SP1 y encima el SP2 tienen razon. No unicamente te tardas mas, pero terminas con un folder i386 que parece mas trepadero de mapaches que fuente de instalacion de un SO. No me sorprenderia en lo mas minimo que tu instalacion final de Windows tenga inestabilidades raras e inexplicadas.

    En fin, nada mas unas observaciones amigables.


  18. Maybe you didn't get the level of weirdness of this error, the Integrator won't save you unless they added few entries to prevent it:



    This is something with your specific version of windows if I may guess. I'm not saying it's not legal version, just it's different.

    Let me know what you find out I haven't researched yet.

    The weird thing is that my source is an unmodified ISO downloaded directly from the Microsoft Volume Licensing website! That is why I think this is so very weird. I also know that nLite 1.0.1 works perfectly and this error doesn't happen when I use the old version of nLite. Tell me, on your tests, do you use a VLK XP CD with SP2 already in it from factory, or do you slipstream SP2 manually into an older source?

    I did try using the Integrator first, and then nLiting for tweaks and such. It didn't bomb! I did get a file not found error during text mode setup, but that's it. I like to use nLite over the Integrator because with nLite you can specify the order with which the addons are loaded (here's a thought: could you look into adding keyboard shortcuts and multiple selection capability with drag-and-drop to the addons list window in nLite? Takes too long to keep hitting the little green arrows on the right)

    Also, would it be possible to have nLite dump a REG file with whatever tweaks you select so they can be reviewed and applied manually to already-installed machines if need be?

    Thanks, and I'll keep you posted of any progress.

  19. I dont have any issue with iso ngine on any previous nLite versions, i just use windows CD and dont add hot fixes, just SPs.

    So im sure the ISO ngine works perfect!

    Ill test RC2 at 11:47 PM JAN 16, 07 :thumbup:

    Tested! at 01:27 AM JAN 17, 07

    My only complain is:

    it keeps the WORKGROUP default name instead i set AMD.

    i hope you could fix that!

    Close to 1.3 Final :thumbup


    I was so worried that the ISO ngine was not working perfect for you! I couldn't even sleep! I am sure it is that magic slipstreaming of SP1 and then SP2 on top of it that keeps your CDs regular, like a good dose of fiber.

    I keed, I keed. :whistle:

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