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  1. I'm curious if there's a way to move/copy the I386 directory from the $WIN_NT$.~LS directory to the root of c\ during an install before windows setup deletes this dir. The reason is thus, I'd like to keep those files in the root of c:\ so when the user installs something, it doesn't prompt them for the CD. ---- Workaround 1 - Copy I386 to $OEM$\$1\C\ of Distributed share ----- ============================= I don't like this for various reasons: 1) tranfers I386 dir twice (2x) during install process - once for $WIN_NT$.~LS directory and once for the $OEM$\$1\C\ directory. 2) for some reason when using this workaround it leave the $WIN_NT$.~LS directory, therefore implementing a cmdlines.txt "script". Now, I don't know if I've overlooked an option or two in the answerfile (winnt.sif/unattend.txt) to compensate for this. Hopefully I haven't overlooked anything, but feel free to ask questions. Edit/Delete Message --- Background ---- ===================== I'm pxe booting into the xp installer and it uses the unattend.txt so it's fully automated.
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