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Posts posted by chantszhim
Audio support will be added to the PE of Windows 10 version 1803.
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Do I need to use Explorer Shell in order to use Windows Photo Viewer?
Yes, I used Photo Viewer with Explorer Shell.
But it might be that BS Explorer can be used as well.
I mean do I need to use the files for Explorer Shell in order to get Windows Photo Viewer working, as I get no response after I double click an image file.
Thanks in advance.
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Edit: Needz for Photoviewer. My clid.reg, Program Files\Photoviewer directory, System32\spool\drivers\color directory,
Of course with mui files if they have. I tested. Tell if not works.
Very Good !
Everything is working now and I will add Windows Photo Viewer support to Make_PE3. B)
Just working on Source Language support and then everything will be more perfect ....
Thanks for your Help and Cheers
Do I need to use Explorer Shell in order to use Windows Photo Viewer?
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Change the Displaychange.xml filename to Unattend.xml and save it in the Root of the Wim Image, then change the command in Winpeshl.ini to x:\windows\system32\wpeinit.exe,-unattend
So place unattend in the root of the wim as in X:\unattend.xml?
and in winpeshl.ini is just -unattend not unattend.xml?
Yes, no need to specify the filename if the file is placed in Root
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Change the Displaychange.xml filename to Unattend.xml and save it in the Root of the Wim Image, then change the command in Winpeshl.ini to x:\windows\system32\wpeinit.exe,-unattend
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Since WinPE doesn't have a file explorer, and those dialogs are part of explorer, there aren't any unless you've managed to hack explorer.exe onto a PE image.
Solved by copying shellstyle.dll, explorerframe.dll and their related mui files to System32. Not related to Windows Explorer.
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Since WinPE doesn't have a file explorer, and those dialogs are part of explorer, there aren't any unless you've managed to hack explorer.exe onto a PE image.
I am now using CubicExplorer in my WinPE, are there any other Windows Explorer replacements which come with these dialogs and support Shell Extension on the right click menu?
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What files and registry keys are required for WinPE 3.0 to show File Copy/Move Progress Bar and File Overwite Confirmation Dialog when copying or moving files?
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You just need to drag the folder to the place you want, the registry will follow the new location to change autoly.
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I got this problem too! Still cannot be solved till now...
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The SRT package is still present in the WinPE image of Windows OPK, it is only removed from Windows AIK.
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Microsoft will change the name of .Net Passport to Microsoft Passport / Microsoft Passport Network soon.
The Microsoft Passport internal site http://www.passport-int.net, MSN internal site http://www.msn-int.com and MSN Messenger 7.0 Beta are also using the new name.
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Login Hotmail by using a User ID ends with @messengeruser.com, e.g. xxx@messengeruser.com with any password. It will say that you cannot login. Click Apply Now on that page, you will be able to apply a @messengeruser.com Passport.
Microsoft Windows Update v3/v4/v5
in Windows 9x Member Projects
Same problem happens on Chinese (Traditional) zh-TW language.