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  1. Good evening, first I would like to excuse me because I dont speak english very well. I send and SOS to you because in France this soft is n't correctly known, and me, there were already most 3 days I try to resolve my problem whit no issues. So, I will introduce you my problems : - First of all, the wpi re-start at each connection of windows (il se lance à chaque démarrage de windows), - My second problem is since I create my beta versions and re-install, the operating of wpi runs by less in less (Wpi fonctionne de moins en moins bien), the order of program is n't respected and for example my cleanup command who had start at the end of installation start in the middle of running wpi (I have try to put order=x and also order=999 but no issue) (Les ordres de fonctionnement des programmes du logiciel ne sont plus recpectés ; EX :Commande de nettoyage qui se lance en parout sauf à la fin), - And to finish my questions, since the twice last installations, there was a many which appears in the running panel of wpi (Depuis les deux dernière installatio,s betas, certains programmes apparaissent deux ou trois dans la liste lors de l'installation) I need you really because I had did n't find any responces in the french forum. Thank you very much at all members . config.jsuseroptions.js
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