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Everything posted by .raven
Ok, hi @all, i have a BBBBBBBBBBBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGGGG problem. i installed a Server system. then i install the ris service the next step i did was to create a windows xp sp1 flat image. then i create a pre-image. i don´t modifide any file. i connect von LAN to the ris, selected the image and it loaded. then he formated the hdd and called error. this problem i solved. the prob i have is he called me some file corrupt. Please insert the install cd. i don´t know what i can do. i keep busy with the ris service since 1 month an i have NEVER succed a ris installation. please help me. i show u a modified sif file. where can be the problem. this is the sif file from my backup (pre-image) on bottom i show u the sif file from my flat image. -> ;SetupMgrTag [data] floppyless="1" msdosinitiated="1" OriSrc="\\%SERVERNAME%\RemInst\%INSTALLPATH%" OriTyp="4" LocalSourceOnCD=1 DisableAdminAccountOnDomainJoin=1 AutoPartition=0 UnattendedInstall="Yes" [SetupData] OsLoadOptions="/noguiboot /fastdetect" SetupSourceDevice="\Device\LanmanRedirector\%SERVERNAME%\RemInst\%INSTALLPATH%" SysPrepDevice="\Device\LanmanRedirector\%SERVERNAME%\RemInst\%SYSPREPPATH%" SysPrepDriversDevice="\Device\LanmanRedirector\%SERVERNAME%\RemInst\%SYSPREPDRIVERS%" [Unattended] OemPreinstall=No FileSystem=LeaveAlone ExtendOEMPartition=0 TargetPath=\WinXP OemSkipEula=Yes InstallFilesPath=\\%SERVERNAME%\RemInst\%INSTALLPATH%\%MACHINETYPE% LegacyNIC=1 UnattendMode=FullUnattended NtUpgrade=No OverwriteOemFilesOnUpgrade=No [UserData] FullName="%USERFULLNAME%" OrgName="%ORGNAME%" ComputerName="%MACHINENAME%" ProductID=00000-00000-00000-00000-00000 [GuiUnattended] OemSkipWelcome=1 OemSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=110 AdminPassword=ce553d94b7aa8444f500944b53168930ff6b14 EncryptedAdminPassword=Yes AutoLogon=Yes AutoLogonCount=1 [Display] BitsPerPel=24 XResolution=1024 YResolution=768 VRefresh=70 [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes ProcessPageSections=Yes [Identification] JoinDomain=%MACHINEDOMAIN% DoOldStyleDomainJoin=Yes [RemoteInstall] Repartition=no UseWholeDisk=Yes [OSChooser] Description="Windows XP SP2 Backup" Help="" LaunchFile="%INSTALLPATH%\%MACHINETYPE%\templates\startrom.com" ImageType=SYSPREP Version="5.1 (2600)" SysPrepSystemRoot="Mirror1\UserData\WINDOWS" HalName=hal.dll ProductType=0 [TapiLocation] CountryCode=49 Dialing=Pulse AreaCode=31789 [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1 Language=00000407 the flat image sif file code ;SetupMgrTag [data] floppyless="1" msdosinitiated="1" OriSrc="\\%SERVERNAME%\RemInst\%INSTALLPATH%" OriTyp="4" LocalSourceOnCD=0 DisableAdminAccountOnDomainJoin=1 AutoPartition=0 UnattendedInstall="Yes" [SetupData] OsLoadOptions="/noguiboot /fastdetect" SetupSourceDevice="\Device\LanmanRedirector\%SERVERNAME%\RemInst\%INSTALLPATH%" [Unattended] OemPreinstall=No FileSystem=LeaveAlone ExtendOEMPartition=0 TargetPath=\WINXP OemSkipEula=Yes InstallFilesPath=\\%SERVERNAME%\RemInst\%INSTALLPATH%\%MACHINETYPE% LegacyNIC=1 UnattendMode=FullUnattended NtUpgrade=No OverwriteOemFilesOnUpgrade=No [UserData] FullName="%USERFULLNAME%" OrgName="%ORGNAME%" ComputerName=%MACHINENAME% ProductID=PXF2C-4974T-XWQ64-KXH3W-TX3R6 [GuiUnattended] OemSkipWelcome=1 OemSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=110 AdminPassword=ce553d94b7aa8444f500944b53168930ff6b14bb23b451cdb608790b25c79ef4 EncryptedAdminPassword=Yes AutoLogon=Yes AutoLogonCount=1 [Display] BitsPerPel=24 XResolution=1024 YResolution=768 VRefresh=70 [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes ProcessPageSections=Yes [Identification] JoinDomain=%MACHINEDOMAIN% DoOldStyleDomainJoin=Yes [RemoteInstall] Repartition=no UseWholeDisk=Yes [OSChooser] Description="Windows Professional - Automatitsierte Installation" Help="Windows XP Professional wird vollautomatisch auf Ihrem System installiert. " LaunchFile="%INSTALLPATH%\%MACHINETYPE%\templates\startrom.com" ImageType=Flat Version="5.1 (2600)" [TapiLocation] CountryCode=49 Dialing=Pulse AreaCode=31789 LongDistanceAccess="05151" [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1 Language=00000407 i don´t know if it is the ris config, what must i config to have a full running RIS Server ?? .raven
i think that 3d mark is a gaming benchmark and because of this the AMD has won the battle. The amd processors are faster then intel in gaming. that´s the reason because i like AMD more than intel. is that right ? .raven
hi, iknow the problem, but my prob is better then ours I have a desktop with a wi-fi usb dongle because in the room is no cable contection. the funny thing -> on the PC in the room i installed a server 2003 and windows xp. on the server the wi-fi in normaly functionary, but on the client the connection will be aktivate. the prob is the conection to the router is ok, but he is searching for an ip from the dhcp from the router and then he told me no rights to get an ip. i don´t no a solution. .raven
thx, i hope the howto is so easy to understand u said (because i´m german and my english ) k, the problem ist i integrate the wuau.adm into the group policies and then i changed the options. then i said Full automaticly update. download it and install it without asking. but until now it doesn´t work. then i thought i create a reg file with the right option (like i found (in/on) net) but also dosn´t work. then i found out that i must update the machine because several update are required on the client to fuctionate. the i installed the servicepack 2 from the Cebit 06 (january edition). but, the same effect, it doesn´t work. no computer was found. My problem is momently i have only one client to try. i hope it is not a client error which take this effect. and, i don´t know if i must have several CD-Key for windows XP because i have one client found, at home and now i´m at work and the client has the same key. can it be a reason ? my windows versions are MSDN. also one key with many licenses (for testing). i load a tool who make a manuel request to the update server and a second option to create a new ID . but this two options also doesn´t work. i don´t know what i can do ? i will try the answers and i hope i can find out the error. .raven
hi, if i understand u, u want to move only your My document directory to D:\Documents , right ? then you can right click on your "My Documents" dir on the desktop and there is the local path to the folder. There u can type your own folder. after click on the OK button he ask if u want to move all My Document file and links to the new folder. click yes someware in the registry u can find the entry. i don´t know where but i think by opening the "regedit" Registry Editor and searching for the entry (your momently local path of "My documents") u can find the entry. move the folder path via rightclick on the folder and then export the reg entry to a reg file. i hope i helped u ? .raven
hi, i have read i can load the kernel in the ram drive and this will get more preformence. my question is is it a solution for server ? and when it is how many ram i need for it. min. ? i thought about for my privat desktop. there i have 1 gb ram and my winxp mediacenter sp2 is a little bit to slow for me. i thought about to load my kernel to my ram. the second question is to effected the load if i want to play a game. on weekend i just play some games and if i load my kernel ito the ram space i think i have less ramspace for gaming. right ? is it a solution only for Workstations or can i use it also for gaming PC´s? .raven
hi, i here i can install programm via network. that if i have a programm and i want to install it on all workstations or to a group of workstations i´m hering there is a solution where if someone is login to the domain he will install the programm in background. in the login process the client is looking for some changes in the rightment of his account and if he is looking for his group policies he find a msi package or so on and he will install it unattanded in background. is there someone who know or understand what i want ? i hope i don´t know if this solution is real, but i here from such a solution and i hope someone know´s something about it. .raven
hi, i here i can install programm via network. that if i have a programm and i want to install it on all workstations or to a group of workstations i´m hering there is a solution where if someone is login to the domain he will install the programm in background. in the login process the client is looking for some changes in the rightment of his account and if he is looking for his group policies he find a msi package or so on and he will install it unattanded in background. is there someone who know or understand what i want ? i hope i don´t know if this solution is real, but i here from such a solution and i hope someone know´s something about it. .raven
hi @all, i have a little question, i installed a WSUS. at first i want to integrate clients. but he don´t finde anyone. My server is a dc with dns, dhcp, ris and wsus. i don´t know if i must update the database from wsus before i can find any client. and if i scan the microsoft database for hotfixes and so on how can i download the updates to my local drive. the config i think is conpletely configured. .raven
hi @all, i have a question. i have a windows 2003 server with a dc. i want that if a user is login that his home directory will automaticaly change to a folder on the server. on the server is a dir named "Userprofiles". in this dir every user who logged in first will create a dir with his loginname. and this folder must be open if he clicked on the My Documents dir on the desktop from all workstations he logged in. is there everyone how can help me .raven
hi @all, i have a little problem, i have installed a windows 2003 enterprise edition server wir RIS. for RIS i create a flat image from a windows xp sp1 cd from my MSDN package. i want to integrate the servicepack 2. the problem is that the integration tool told me that there ´re also some hotfixes in my image and that´s the reason i can´t integrate the servicepack1. my problem is i don´t know how i can integrate the package and this is the only version i can use for the server. can everyone help me ? .raven
hi, i´m new in this forum. i´m from germany and i hope u can ignore my grammar probs. i have a problem, i have installed Windows 2003 enterprise edition with RIS. i configure the ris and installed a Windows XP SP1 flat image. i have exactly 2 problems. the first problem is that i can´t integrate the service pack 2 because in my version the service pack 1 is already installed. he call me there are sone hotfixes in my version and thats the reason i can´t integrate the service pack 2. the other problem is more importent for me, i installed the RIS, i create a flat image and if i want to install winxp on a client he format my partition and then he called "i can´t format your partition", the ^prob is he formats my partition. then he said the partiton is to small for install windows on it. i think its a funny answer, because the partition is 19 gb. i hope someone can help me, its very importent. .raven