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  1. Hi all, I´ve just installed Windows Vista on my PC (p4 3.0, 1gb ram) and I had some problems with the installation. I had this error message while starting to install: "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" in blue screen. Now you may asking yourself "how did he installed Windows Vista anyway?"... I just got tired of trying installing and I put Windows XP to install. When it stopped copying all the setup files to hd it rebooted my pc and after that Windows Vista Setup started without any problem. Could anyone explain how this is possible since I have XP and Vista on different partitions? If anyone could also explain why I get this error "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL"... Thank you in advance.
  2. I have the same error message with build 5308... Does anybody know how to solve this problem? My sound card drivers are ok.
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