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  1. The three nics are on different subnets. I try a connection to the server on <ipaddress1<:<port1> from a client and using a sniffer I see that the server replies saying it has ipaddress2.
  2. Hi everybody. I have a question for you : I have a Windows 2003 server with three network cards, each nic has a different IP address. My question is the following: which IP address is used by default ? I tried a connection to IP address #1 from a client workstation and the server sent an answer saying it had the IP address #2. Is there a way to tell Windows to use a predefined IP address if more IPs are configured on the nics ? Thank you Regards
  3. Hi everybody. I have a question for you : I have a Windows 2003 server with three network cards, each nic has a different IP address. My question is the following: which IP address is used by default ? I tried a connection to IP address #1 from a client workstation and the server sent an answer saying it had the IP address #2. Is there a way to tell Windows to use a predefined IP address if more IPs are configured on the nics ? Thank you Regards
  4. Hi everybody, I'd like to know how is possible to run a program with a user different from the login user: tipically, I login with user PIPPO and I want to run a program with user Administrator ( not using Run As ). Thank you Regards
  5. Hi, does anybody have idea on how to install silently the software "Power Translator 7 Pro" ? I didn't even find anything on its website. Thank you in advance
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