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  1. Just one small question... did you start from a FAT16 partition, FAT32 or NTFS Cause in my case it doesn't work; Or i receive "Non system Disk" or I/O read error How did you format the disk... Cause i've followed all said heere and no way while it works if i boot pe from a CD, format it in NTFS and copy all the files... Thanks for helping
  2. Hi I have a windows 2003 server which is installed on a D:\ drive. This machine was installed using an unattended setup and is not member of a domain I've downloaded the latest sysprep from ms website, used setupmanager to create the file. the command i launch is sysprep -reseal -mini -quiet i restart the server, the mini os starts and i put another password than the one specified in the sysprep.inf file... which is not the one i have when mini setup reboots also While i've set the DefaultNetworksettings to no; it does not prompt me anything about configuring the cards while the sysprep with windows 2000 did when server restarts, some services don't and mmc is buggy (snap-in failed to initialize), it can't reinstall the network cards... My file is ;SetupMgrTag [unattended] ; OemSkipEULA=Yes [GuiUnattended] timezone=105 adminpassword="sdorollout" OEMSkipRegional=1 [userData] ProductKey=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx FullName="zut" OrgName="bazar" [Display] BitsPerPel=8 Xresolution=800 YResolution=600 Vrefresh=75 [LicenseFilePrintData] AutoMode=PerSeat [TapiLocation] CountryCode=32 [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1 SystemLocale=00000409 UserLocale=00000409 [GuiRunOnce] Command0="cscript %SYSTEMDRIVE%\RunOnce\RunOnce.wsf" [identification] JoinWorkgroup=SYSPREP [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=No [NetClients] MS_MSClient=params.MS_MSClient i've tried many thing and got it on 3 differents hardwares (HP580G2, 380G3 and blades) If someone has an idea as i am now lost thanks (i've posted it on experts exchange and ms newsgroups and will keep posting here also in case it is relevant)
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