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About Ash_s

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  1. hi LLXX, Actually, I already know about that command, but whenever I use it I get a list of files just in the current directory not a list of files in all directories.
  2. I don't use a password manager, all I use is a small text file and firefox password manager to quickly log in sites.
  3. sorry people for keep asking much questions , but I'm now in need for a software that lists and exports links to all files in an ftp server I tried searching for that thing using google, but never found it, so unless someone knows a specific program to do that I can't do anything about it.
  4. Thanx a lot Elektrik, you really saved the day.
  5. I use NetLimiter to control net traffic and also as a firewall.
  6. Hi guys, I want to know if there is a way to take a screenshot for a web page wider and taller than the screen itself? and let me emphasize here on the word wider, because it's very important.
  7. That's what I thought at first, but I was kinda hoping there was an easier way.
  8. for a guy who surfs the net quiet often, I know many websites that give you a service to locate an IP address in terms of a city, but what I'm looking for is a software or another mean that gives you the exact address or at least the name of the street where an IP address is connecting from. so would there be a way to do that?
  9. I use StayAlive, if you look for it you'll find it.
  10. I appreciate all your replies you guys, but now I have this fantastic software that detects every bit of information enters my PC or leaves it, The name of the program is SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer. and there is another one designed just for HTTP protocol and has the name HTTP Analyzer.
  11. Thanks m3n70r, that helped a little bit.
  12. Hi people, this is my first post and it's a problem that needs your help. I use NetLimiter to control my internet traffic. today NL gave a message that my system wants to connect to this Ip address through the port 2574 and using udp protocol, so I was suspicious about this and wanted to know why would my system want to connect to a computer in Miami, Florida? here is the picure of NL message also i would like to know if such things happen with you guys.
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