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Everything posted by retalv

  1. For what this regards me is the last one post on the argument, but for clarity I would want to emphasize that the first demanded modification did not make some damage, being left the functionality of the unchanged script. The problematic is other…
  2. Sorry, but I do not understand… before -------- CALL :MAKEISO CALL :TIMECALC PAUSE&EXIT after ------ CALL :MAKEISO CALL :TIMECALC IF NOT DEFINED FORCEEXIT (PAUSE&EXIT) ELSE (EXIT) Not being documented and disabled by default in how many persons tasks they would have used it? However I have resolved filtering your job with a script that, before launch HFSLIP-1.0.CMD, executes the substitution inserting timeout (ping -w 5000>nul) before the exit instruction… 5sec for view any error displayed... @Echo off Del MYHFSLIP.CMD cls Echo +------------------------------------------+ Echo Procedura di modifica HFSLIP in corso... Echo +------------------------------------------+ Echo. Set HFCMD=none For /f %%i in ('dir /b HFSLIP*.CMD') do (set HFCMD=%%i) Echo rem +------------------------------------------+> MYHFSLIP.CMD Echo rem HFSLIP PATCHATO PER AUTOMATIZZARE USCITA>> MYHFSLIP.CMD Echo rem +------------------------------------------+>> MYHFSLIP.CMD Echo.>> MYHFSLIP.CMD For /f "delims=" %%i in (%HFCMD%) do ( If "%%i" EQU "PAUSE&EXIT" ( echo %SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\ping.exe -w 5000>nul>> MYHFSLIP.CMD echo EXIT>> MYHFSLIP.CMD ) ELSE (echo %%i>> MYHFSLIP.CMD) ) Echo +------------------------------------------+ Echo Modifica di HFSLIP terminata! Echo +------------------------------------------+ Echo. Echo. Call MYHFSLIP.CMD Del MYHFSLIP.CMD Exit Ciao!
  3. But without FORCEEXIT… it would have been beautiful. I will create one script to insert it… Ciao!
  4. Hi! If possible, I would want to make one demanded and to explain of the reason… I run HFSLIP from batch with the default options, therefore every new release I are forced to cancel the several pauses and confirmation demands before modify my procedure, with the danger to create damages… It would be possible to insert an option that allows the automatic execution of HFSLIP cmd file without having to modify it? (Excuse newly my English ) Ciao!
  5. Sorry my English… In W2K Italian all test releases, and also hfslip-1.0b-61015, displays an error of bad switch with SCRIPTIT.EXE and KB833989 (yes... it's not critical, but...). Ciao!
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