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Everything posted by stroked03

  1. I purchased MCE 2005 from Tigerdirect. When I loaded the fisrt disk it asked for disk 2 installed it which I already. I then got it all loaded up and it says 2002 in my sys properties. Both disk also says 2005 on it. So I figured ok the 3rd disk would fix the problem. I tried to load it. I get an error that says must install net.framewor 1.1 and net.framework 1.1sp1. I did that. sys rebooted now. I then try to reinstall disk 3 labled MCE Updates for version 2005. That's as far as I can get. Why do my disk say 2005 but load as 2002. I also know that 2005 has a few different things like windows media 10 as vs my 9. Can someone please help me out. I have working on this for many hours and I'm ready to throw this pc.
  2. i have the Sabrent SBT-TVFM / FM Radio / TV Tuner PCI Capture Card with Remote Control (M501-1012) Did I buy the wrong one, and is there a driver or software I can use to make it work with mce 2005
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