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Everything posted by Anoel

  1. I've already tried reinstalled WMP three times and it doesn't work. I'll try that though. Sorry if its in the wrong place, I wasn't sure which was the right place to post it.
  2. Are you asking whether I have it? I used to a long time ago but I uninstalled it because it was giving me trouble with applications and other things. WMV files were working after that though, at least I think so.
  3. I'm having a problem playing wmv files in Windows Media Player 10. Whenever I do, they're choppy and slow and play from one still and then show another still a few seconds later. I use GSpot to see what the problem is and it says that wmv9dmod.dll is missing from the Windows>>system32 folder. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling it and downloading wmv codecs from the microsoft website to no avail. Does anyone know a way to fix this? ETA: Also, the video usually plays like its in slow motion.
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