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Everything posted by naaa

  1. Indeed, in the Windows 2003 version of msgina.dll I found the images. Added them to the XP version of msgina.dll and that works. Now could some running Windows 2003 check something for me? In regedit, HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Colors\ And then the value of "background"?? Stupid enough I override the value with 0 0 0, and now I don't know the color code for the orginal gray anymore Should have written it down Otherwise I have to install win 2k3 in vmware only for the bloody color code
  2. I'm customizing my Windows XP Pro. installation to in the details, it has even gone so far even before logon it has been pimped. On logon, I modified the register so that it is using the Metallic Luna theme on logon and not the blue theme, also the background color has been changed to the beautiful gray/silver color from Windows 2003. Except one thing remains what I REALLY would like to change: The blue Windows XP logo on logon, while loging in and shuting down the machine. I would like to replace this logo with the logo from an Windows Server 2003 installation; just for the simple reason that logo is gray/silver. But I can't find how to do it on the internet; all how-to's I found where for modifying the 'Welcome Screen' (family logon), but I'm using the old style logon/domain logon. Any ideas how to do this??
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