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Everything posted by K'aliën

  1. lol, it works now I've instaled another video driver sorry for the troubble and thanks for helping everone Kalien
  2. Now I installed WinDVD I get a error when trying to open a video: Files needed to display video are not installed or not working correctly
  3. A Powercolor radeon 9600 pro 256MB DVI AGP
  4. hi all, When I start windows media center I get an error message: Your video card or drivers are not compatible with Media Center. If I press OK everything works normal: The remote control works and I can listen to music. But if I try to play a movie the screen turns black and I hear only the music of the movie, in some casses It stops and asks me to stop or too play again So, can someone please help me get it working Thx
  5. Is there realy nobody who can help me plz, I realy need this
  6. This links are a step in the right direction, but my remote control device isn't suported I have thisone: and in the licence is written that it is only for windows media center. But I beleave it is posible for some kind of patch to exist for it plz help
  7. I'm very sorry but I cant read it at all
  8. I dont know the good place to post this message but I have a little software request, I bought the media-center remote control for my pc. I thought it also was for the media player on windows xp but it wasn't. My request is some sort of patch so I can use it on the windows media player or some other media player. Thx for reading/trying, K'aliën
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