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Posts posted by nuhi
I have the same problem with Office2k3.
It reports that installation is corrupted, but when i run it manually it's ok.
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remyblade, nope
Maybe this one:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer]"NoDriveTypeAutoRun"=dword:000000b5Edit: here, try what works best for you, XtremeMaC
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Disable prompting for Windows Update when new hardware is found in WinXP SP2:
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We allready tried that and it didn't work.
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LOL, is this true...i'll test it later, congrats
(still can't believe it)
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LayZeh, it is the same thing but it may not work on sp2 (that same file)
if you are refering to this.
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There you go, not much to say about it, we all know what it is
Except for sfc thingy for some...based on RaveRod's method with sp1
Copy the modified file into the I386 directory and open HIVESFT.INF. Under the [AddReg]section, add the following:HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon","SFCSetting",0x00010001,0xffffff9d
Save the file and that's it. System File Protection is now completely disabled before setup even starts.
0 -, but thanx for reply.
For that we have "DriverSigningPolicy = Ignore"
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Do you people know what it stands for, this "UseSignatures" variable in winnt.sif file ?
I found it the other day while editing autogenerated winnt.sif.
Now it's in my unattended setup but disabled until i get more info.
I tested it today if it maybe can be used to disable file signature protection
but it isn't that.
Default was UseSignatures="yes" under [Data] segment.
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How many times
edit your i386\HIVESFT.INF and change line containing
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Driver Signing"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Driver Signing","Policy",0x00000001,00
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This is for english version, try it, maybe it will work for you too:
01,00,00,00,0d,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,00,00Of course, you need to logoff or restart for it to work.
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tamarell, you can edit i386\hivesys.inf and find this line
The last segment "0x0000000X" is start entry.
Make it "0x00000002" like this:
Change only last number.
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I don't know if somebody allready posted this one:
;Increase the USB Polling Interval
;Usb Error Checking
It makes my usb mouse more responsive.
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And so on.
Office Shrinker [reduce source of o2k3/xp/2k]
in Microsoft Office
shrink48 works with Office2k3 but it stops 10 times before it completed all files (for my setup).
I needed to re-run shrink so it can continue, it was reporting like installation ended, but it was prematurelly.
Anywayz here are the logs so if they can help you.
I'm allready happy, it's 40MB smaller then my "manual" shrinkage...thanx !