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Posts posted by Marius '95
I'm back to MSFN after a very long absence. It's nice to see the Win9x section is still here.
I finally have a new (but old) PC that is Win98-compatible and I tried to make it work, but I'm a little rusty after using Win7 and 10 for so long. I need some help.
Everyone knows that installing a clean Win98 isn't the most pleasurable experience, especially adding patches, fixes, tweaks, installing programs, configuring everything, etc. I remember it took 2 days to do a full reinstall. So, when I was using Win98 as my main OS, to avoid a full reinstall, I saved a fresh Win98, patched, tweaked and with all my usual programs installed and configured, packed as DriveSpace volume and stored on a CD. When I need a reinstall, I would delete the old DriveSpece volume and restore the saved one from the CD.
Unlike WinXP, in Win98 this restore method also worked after major hardware changes, such as replacing the entire computer: I would first boot in Safe Mode, empty the Device Manager except for ACPI, and then reboot in normal mode. After reboot, Win98 would detect all the devices again on the new machine and everything would work as if it was originally installed there. I did this dozens of times and I had no problems.
I still have that saved Win98 volume and I tried to use it on this new machine. But this time it didn't work as expected. I have a very weird problem: There are no sound devices available in Control Panel / Multimedia. The Output and Input selection boxes are grayed out, as if no sound cards are installed, but the sound card is OK in Device Manager and the mixer, wave out and FM synth are visible in Multimedia / Advanced tab. I tried with a different card - same problem.
Any ideeas what could cause this and how to fix it? I would like to avoid doing a fresh install.
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I know. I'm not using a download manager. Speed is low and most probably PHP max execution time is exceeded before download is complete.
PS: Nevermind. Download completed without error this morning.
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I can't download.
Does anyone have a mirror that supports resuming?
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Hello everyone!
Do you know any advanced formatting tool for FAT12 / FAT16 / FAT32?
I want to do some testing and I need advanced formatting options like setting the number of reserved sectors following the boot record, setting the number of FAT copies, setting formatted partition size and location independent of partition table (i.e. write a filesystem structure somewhere on the disk while no partitions are defined in the partition table), etc.
I also need a tool to display advanced partition and filesystem information like the number of reserved sectors, 1st and 2nd FAT locations and size (first and last sector number, bytes used), position of the first and last cluster (sector #), position of root directory (sector and cluster), etc.
Thank you.
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I changed the motherboard recently.
The old one was Asrock AM2NF3-VSTA, the last motherboard with AGP. I had minor problems with onboard network driver, but there is an unofficial "Unified Remix Driver" v11.16 that makes the system usable. I did not use onboard sound.
My new motherboard is Gigabyte GA-MA790FXT-UD5P. Major storage problems here! I'm giving you some tips if you ever need to run Win9x on this kind of board.
Hardware configuration
AM3 CPU socket, DDR3, two gigabit Ethernet adapters, 2 PCI slots and a lot of PCI-E slots.
This board has AMD SB750 southbridge. There are 6 SATA and 1 PATA connectors from the southbridge. This board also has 2 JMicron controllers with 4 SATA connectors.
Logical organisation
When set to IDE Compatiblity Mode, storage connectors are organised like this:
- 4 SATA from JMicron controller are detected as one IDE controller with 2 channels. SATA0 is detected as Primary Master, SATA1 is Primary Slave, SATA2 is Secondary Master and SATA3 is Secondary Slave.
- First 4 SATA (SATA0-3) from AMD SB750 are detected as another IDE controller with the same configuration.
- PATA connector and the last 2 SATA from AMD SB750 are detected as the third IDE controller. PATA is the Primary Channel, SATA4 and SATA5 are Secondary Master and Slave.
Win98 will NOT load ESDI_506.PDR if JMicron controller and the first 4 SB750 SATA ports (0-3) are enabled. JMicron controller can be disabled in BIOS, but the southbridge controller cannot be disabled. SATA0-3 must be set as AHCI/RAID so that Win98 will not try to load the IDE driver. You can boot Win98 form a PATA drive or you can set SATA4 and 5 in IDE Compatibility Mode and boot from a drive connected to these ports. ESDI_506.PDR will load ONLY in this configuration.
Warning! Win98 will cause data corruption if a HDD is connected to SATA ports 0-3! Only connect a SATA HDD to SATA4 or SATA5 ports!
Now, the good news!
- There are 2 PCI slots to be used for a VGA and sound card.
- PCI VGA can be set as the active card in BIOS so that two cards (old PCI for Win98 and a new PCI-E card) can be installed in the same computer.
- Multi-core CPUs can be partially disabled, so that only one core remains active when using Win98.
- Win98 works fine with DEVICE=HIMEMX.EXE /MAX=524288 in CONFIG.SYS and no other settings on a system with 4GB RAM.
I will try to increase /MAX setting later to see how far it can go.
- CMOS settings can be saved as a profile in BIOS setup. The user can save 2 profiles: one for Win98 with all the special settings above, and one for a newer OS. To boot Win98, just enter BIOS and load Win98 profile.
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The most "clean" way to boot into real DOS with a custom configuration is to edit Windows\Exit To DOS.pif. Go to properties - program - advanced - check "Specify a new MS-DOS configuration" and write your custom configuration there. When finished, Start - Shut down - Exit to DOS. The computer will reboot and start in DOS mode. Type EXIT to return to windows.
You can edit config.sys and autoexec.bat while in DOS mode. You can press reset or CTRL+ALT+DEL to test them immediately - computer will continue to boot into DOS mode. The files are saved back into Exit To Dos.pif when you type EXIT to return to windows.
Don't change the last few lines in autoexec.bat or windows will add them twice on next DOS session. If you want to change the disk or directory where DOS leaves you after boot, change them in .pif (working directory).
If you want multiple DOS configurations (different drivers loaded), you can still use old DOS config menus. Try to find DOS 6.22 HELP.COM. It contains everything you need to know.
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Opera v9.27 is slow, but works fine and saves temporary files with their original extension (you can find .flv movies from youtube in cache).
Opera v9.6x is faster, but temporary files no longer have extensions.
Opera v10.x is very fast, but very unstable, it crashes even in WinXP.
For audio:
- Winamp v2.91/v2.95 is written for Win9x, low resource usage, many output plugins available:
Wave = low resource usage, high quality sound, but usually sound cards can only play one wave at a time. While Winamp keeps the driver open, no other sound can be played (games, sound alerts, etc.).
DirectX = a bit higher resource usage (CPU, memory), may sound worse than wave, but it has internal mixer for various other sound sources in the system (that's why it may sound worse - resampling when different sound sources have different sample rates).
Kernel streaming = direct output to driver, bypasses windows volume control, mixers, etc. High quality. Depending on sound driver, it may allow other sound sources to play simultaneously or not. Warning: version 3.63 has a GDI resource leak in monitor window. I asked the author for a patch and I received v3.64. It's not on official download site! I seem to be the only one who has it.
ASIO = highest quality (if supported by the sound card), no other source can play, larger hardware buffers usually can be set from sound card control panel - less frequent interruptions if another program uses CPU/PCI
For video:
- Media Player Classic works fine in Win9x (original MPC, not Homecinema), better than WMP, but don't use internal filters, not even file sources. They make it crash if the file is corrupted. Install original codecs. I recommend DivX 5.1.1, XviD Koepi's build, AC3 latest version, CoreAAC, CoreFLAC, Matroska/FLV/MP4/OGG splitters from Gabest (others crash), Radlight MPC, and ffdshow for everythig else (disable its codecs that you already have). If you are willing to pay: Elecard MPEG2 has a very nice image quality and CoreAVC (not tested in Win98) is a lot faster than everything else.
For audio CDs:
- Media Player (the old one, inherited from Win3.1, WINDOWS\MPLAYER.EXE) - it shows a progress cursor for the entire CD, not just for current track.
- CD-Text Player - doesn't have a window, only a system tray icon. It shows track names if CD contains CD-Text.
- OpenOffice is very resource hungry. I don't recommend it. Version 2.0.3 works in Win98, I don't know about newer versions.
- MS Office (last version that works in win9x) doesn't support docx and the addon that supposed to add support for newer formats usually shows garbage. There are 3rd party converters but I didn't try them.
I know no other office apps.
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I have done some experimenting using a DDO that simulates a 4KB Logical Sector Hard Drive.
Sorry for the delayed response.
If you need to test different sector sizes for real (not using a DDO) I recommend using a SCSI HDD. SCSI HDDs support low level formatting with different sector sizes. You just need an old HDD (most 9 GB HDDs support this feature), an old SCSI adapter and Bart's SCSI Tool.
Run Bart's SCSI Tool and set a different sector size in drive geometry page, then low-level-format the drive. It takes 30min - 1h depending on drive speed and size. There is no progress indicator.
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SH98UPD v008 causes ATI2S9AG.EXE to crash.
ATI2S9AG is part of ATI SmartGART. SmartGART tests system stability every time AGP settings (AGP speed, AGP Read/Write, Fast Write, etc.) are changed. If it doesn't run, acceleration is completely disabled; not even window scrolling is accelerated!
EXPLORER.EXE v4.00.950
SHELL32.DLL v4.00.1112
COMCTL32.DLL v4.00.951; using v4.72.3510.2300 linked to a copy of SHELL32.DLL v4.72.3812.717 doesn't fix the problem
ATI2S9AG v5.13.0020 (ATI Catalyst v6.2)
KernelEX - not installed
Uninstalling SH95UPD does NOT fix the problem.
Switching back to Win98 Explorer & Shell32 does NOT fix the problem.
Removing and reinstalling ATI display driver does NOT fix the problem.
Installing another version (5.x) of ATI driver does NOT fix the problem.
ATI2S9AG continues to crash.
ATI2S9AG worked just before installing SH95UPD using file versions listed above.
I'm sorry. I was wrong.
It has something to do with available memory. I changed some settings because SH95UPD installer did not run at first.
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If you boot from CD, drive letters will not be the same. CD will become C:. All registry paths created during setup will be wrong.
I belive it's illegal to distribute a setup that contains original Win98 files. You must create a program that copies the files from original CD in user's computer and builds the setup program - just like 98SE2ME.
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On my system the device which is decoding Mpeg stream is graphic unit, the sound is being decoded by sound card again on hardware level. CPU handles only renderer, but it is not strong enough (Pentium III-s, 1400@1638). Pentium 4 does not perform much better.
MPEG (I assume you are referring to MPEG 1 or 2) is not the same thing as HD (H264, the most common codec used). Many old graphic cards have hardware MPEG acceleration but this is useless for HD.
Sound in HD video is usually AC3. I don't know about any sound card that can decode AC3. Passthrough to an external receiver - yes; hardware acceleration for AC3 - never heard of it. Most of sound cards can't even decode MP3...
CPU handles only renderer?? You contradict yourself. If video decoding is done by video accelerator, then rendering is too. Video stream cannot go to graphic card for decoding, then return to CPU for rendering (?!) and then go back to graphic card for display on screen. In the last 15 years rendering has been done by hardware acceleration: overlay or DirectX VA.
There are two other operations that must be done by the CPU: reading the file and splitting it into video and audio streams.
If you need hardware acceleration for HD, first you need a new graphic card that can do that. I don't know any that still have drivers for Win98.
I have ATI Radeon 9800 Pro. It can decode MPEG2 in hardware, but not in Win98 because the codec (Nvidia PureVideo Decoder) doesn't work in Win98.
Hardware decoding in Win98 is a problem, not only for HD, but for MPEG2 too.
You said that the container is WMV? Video in HD WMV files is usually Windows Media Video 9. I don't know any card or codec other than M$ that can decode WMV9 (hardware or not).
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M$ has a legit copy here.
I downloaded the update but there's only SHAREDff.msp inside. I can't extract it, nor install it.
Even if I replaced that file, I'm sure it won't work. That would be too easy.
awergh, please create a log.
msiexec /i pro11.msi /L*v!C:\log.txt
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I don't have it.
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I found a way to install Office 2003 in Win98.
Setup now works, but none of the programs can run because of missing dependencies in MSO.DLL:
- CheckTokenMembership
- ConvertSidToStringSidA
- ConvertSidToStringSidW
- ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW
- DecryptFileW
- EncryptFileW
- LsaClose
- LsaNtStatusToWinError
- LsaOpenPolicy
- LsaRetrievePrivateData
- LsaStorePrivateData
- VerSetConditionMask
- VerifyVersionInfoW
- GetLastInputInfo
- SetLayeredWindowAttributes
To install Office, you (may) need:
- Win98SE
- Gape Service Pack v3.0 beta 4
- MDGx 98SE2ME 2-14-2009
- Xeno86 KernelEx v4.0 Final 2
(thank you all)
- Orca (MSI editor)
- Office 2003 Professional Setup
How to install:
- Copy Office CD in a new directory on HDD.
- Open PRO11.MSI with Orca.
- Delete these lines:
InstallExecuteSequence \ CheckOperatingSystem
InstallUISequence \ CheckOperatingSystem
SecureObjects \ InjectorService (2 lines)
- If KernelEx is disabled by default, open Registry Editor, navigate to HKLM\Software\KernelEx\AppSettings\Flags and add a new DWORD value:
*\MSI*.TMP = 0
- Doubleclick PRO11.MSI to install.
If everything is ok, setup will install Office with no errors. Too bad it can't run, but I hope this problem can be fixed too.
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Missing software:
- some freeware sound editor
- freeware image editor
- Audio CD player Sw able to use SPDIF
Try IrfanView - freeware image viewer (and editor)
You don't need software support for SPDIF. Connect digital-out (TAD) from CD drive to digital-in on sound card, activate digital passthrough in sound card control panel and use any player that doesn't use digital audio extraction. I recommend Media Player (the old one, \Windows\mplayer.exe).
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No. Not possible.
ActiveSync (the application) may work, but the new phone drivers will never work.
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GenuineCheck.exe ver. works with Win98. I don't remember if I had KeX installed or not when I last run this program.
I saved the .exe because somehow I knew I will need it later.
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Well, I looked at the CPU usage in Windows System Monitor, and that says 100% too!
So it's only Process Explorer which is saying that it's only 4-5%.
Cool Beans System Info and Sysmon both say 100%.
Maybe PE uses different criteria to measure it?
Incidentally, WinTop also says that "Idle" is using nearly all of the CPU, as does Process Explorer.
I think that System Monitor actually mesures free CPU, then substract the value from 100% and displays it. This CPU usage value includes ring 0 programs (kernel, drivers), while WinTop and other tools measure CPU usage of programs, ring 0 not included.
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@'Marius '95: IMHO, the best way to access all sessions in a multisession optical medium (be it CD or DVD) is by using IsoBuster. If, however, you really wish to have this option as a Windows Explorer feature, you may try the NERO shell extension, neroshx.dll (preferably v., which is part of Nero 5. It adds a tab in the Properties in the right-click menu, that gives access to any session in a multisession disk, one at a time.
I have it installed. Never crashed. Doesn't work with DVDs.
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The more important question is how to modify the CDFS driver to recognize large capacity optical media (such as dual-layer DVDs, Blu-Ray and whatever may come next).
No. The more important question is how to modify CDFS driver to recognise multisession DVDs!
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Update the BIOS. Only old computers (like K6-2) don't support 48bit LBA.
Just in case you need a backup BIOS, buy another chip and hot-swap it just before writing the new image.
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I've removed DOS configuration manager and standard boot logo.
What is that? F8 startup menu?
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Try Ad Muncher. You can use a proxy server and filter all it's connections with Ad Muncher.
Win98SE: No audio devices in CPL Multimedia, but drivers are OK
in Windows 9x/ME
No, it wasn't that. But I fixed it somehow.
Inspired by @defuser, I opened regedit and manually removed all I could find about the old sound cards. Then I manually installed the SoundBlaster non-PnP driver, the one provided by Win98. The sound card appeared in Multimedia and works with the onboard AC97 in SBPro compatiibility mode. I'm doing a backup now, then I'll remove SBPro and install the normal VIA AC97 driver.