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Everything posted by golgotha

  1. Well, no one has said my method is wrong, so the problem must be in the details somewhere. I've cut all the apps out of start.cmd except for Office. I'm installing again right now, but I keep getting these two dialogue boxes: Install_T13_01 Install_T13_02 Install_T13_03 Install_T13_04 Install_T13_05 I'm really interested in why I am seeing these two popups because they are not supposed to be there. Does it have something to do with my hotfixes?
  2. (Sorry for the slow responses. The work week started again. My time for this project is limited to the weekends unfortunately.) I've only tried the install once, but I don't get an error, really. At around T13 two messages popup: 1.GDI Detection Tool 2.Windows Genuine Advantage plug-in installer which gives the message: "Installation failure Plug-in installer could not detect the appropriate browser installation directory. [Error: 0x80070002]" But they started after adding Bashrat's DriverPacks, not after I tried installing Office. After logon, so far, I have two programs that install, then Office is supposed to install. The first program is Ad-Aware Professional which installs fine silently. The second program is Diskeeper v10.0.593 which loads setup.exe, but it requires user input to finish installing. The third program is Office which is supposed to install, but it doesn't even try, apparently. Then a .reg file is supposed to run to change some registry values. That didn't happen. I haven't had a chance to re-check all the paths. I thought I had it right, but you never now.
  3. Just a note to say it didn't work on my first try last night.
  4. I re-read my post, and it sounded a bit snappish. I've been working on this all day, and I really want to finish this unattended disk and move on to other things. Thanks for the links, Fr33m4n. That first link was exactly what I was looking for. I've been using winnt.sif\[GUIRUNONCE], but I might switch over to a RunOnceEX now. I've put an administrative install point for all five Office CDs into my image. I've updated PRO11.MSI to SP2. I've created the Unattended.MST file. I've placed a line in winnt.sif\[GuiRunOnce] to call a Batch file: [GuiRunOnce] ... "%systemdrive%\install\start.cmd" ... Start.cmd has a section to call the Setup.exe file in the Office directory (C:\xp\$OEM$\$1\Install\Applications\Office_2003_Pro): ... ECHO. ECHO Installing MS Office 2003 Professional ECHO Please wait... start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Office_2003_Pro\SETUP.EXE TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb- ... That should trigger the setup.exe after the first logon; the Unattended.MST file should allow it to install silently. I am going to make an image of my source directory, and install this attempt in a virtual machine. We'll see how it goes.
  5. Yes, I've tried using the search function, thank you very much. Trouble is, it returns TOO MUCH information. Can somone help me with my installation? Or point to a decent post on the subject? Thanks in advance!
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