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Posts posted by Cyrus27

  1. Hi

    I created my first unattended Xp setup disk, added al hotfixes and SP2, it all worked fine 'till

    i tried to add some programs.

    I used WPI application to install them insted of Batch scripting, i loaded all my programs in it, and executed it for a test, it

    worked just fine, but i can't set up the path on WPI.cmd in my cmdlines.txt in $OEM$ folder.

    WPI folder is located on the same level as the $OEM$ and I386 folders, (x:\WPI\Wpi.cmd).

    I tried to set up a line in cmdlines.txt to start WPI.cmd but it's not working.


    HELP Please!

  2. This would be mine::

    1. Winamp 5

    2. Alcohol120

    3. Daemon Tool

    4. Nero 6.6

    5. Nod32

    6. Ad-aware 6 pro

    7. Adobe reader 7.0.5

    8. Iso Buster 1.8

    9. SpyBot Dearch&Destroy 1.4

    10.Mozilla Firefox 1.8


    12.Winzip 8.1

    13.Windows Media Player 10

    14.NET Framework 2

    15.PowerDVD 5

    16.DirectX 9.0C (actualy never succeded)

    17.Messanger 7.5


    19.System Mechanic 6 ( if annybody knows switches for this ti never works for me)

    20.Neemo codec pack

  3. Hy

    I stumbled on MSFN forum by accident couple of days ago and found it most interesting.

    I started to build my own unattended Xp for first time and had some success, but also some problems

    witch i solved with help of this forum, so i just want to say TANX very much to all!

    sorry for bad english:)

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