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Posts posted by LLXX

  1. I prefer 7zip, mainly because it's a lot faster and has a better progress bar, as indicated above. I really don't care how the GUI looks, since I'm not one of those who are obsessed with the appearance -- as long as it works, and it works perfectly fine.

    7zip is smaller and faster even though it does not support as many formats (although I don't need such diverse support anyway).

    BTW IzArc is written in Delphi (executable is packed down to 780K, but it's actually moar liek 2.8M), which is likely the reason for it's lower performance.

    7zip looks like MFC (executable is only 293K, not packed).

    We can compare codec modules from each archiver for each format:

    7zip: IzArc:

    7z: 137K 505K

    RAR: 56.5K 160K

    CAB: 43.5K 57.5K

    I don't think I need to elaborate.

    ...BTW, I use LZH/LH7 for my own archiving purposes. The compression is much better than ZIP, quite similar to RAR (sometimes better than).

  2. ...with a little use of the Brain?

    Titel: string[30];

    Artist: string[30];



    Form1: TForm1;


    {$R *.dfm}

    function readID3Tag(FileName: string): TID3Tag;


    FS: TFileStream;

    Buffer: array [1..128] of Char;


    FS := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);


    FS.Seek(-128, soFromEnd);

    FS.Read(Buffer, 128);

    with Result do


    ID := Copy(Buffer, 1, 3);

    Titel := Copy(Buffer, 4, 30);

    Artist := Copy(Buffer, 34, 30);

    ...and I don't even know much about Delphi.
  3. Can one simply purchase a license/key and use a Home CD to install Pro via the PID?
    The Pro CD has several files that are different / not included in home edition. You need the CD, but legally the upgrade version is cheapest.
  4. Add the following line below the [386Enh] entry.


    This will limit Windows 98SE to 1020 Megs of RAM.

    If you experience any problem use this value instead:


    Locate the following entry: [vcache]

    Add the following lines below the [vcache] entry.




    MaxPhysPage is unnecessary

    MinFileCache and MaxFileCache should be set to powers of 2 - e.g. 131072.

  5. Enable48BitLBA | Break the 137Gb barrier!

    Who said it couldn't be done? Enjoy your huge disks :)

    Enable48BitLBA | Disjunction love 137Gb enclosure!

    Who preceding it water in motion' exist unimproved? Happen your great exteriority :)

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