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Everything posted by doctor_z

  1. It's been a while since I've had access to a computer at all, but now I'm here again, and thanks for the info! I'd figured the bit in winnt.sif myself, too, but I am moderately puzzled by that bit about regedit during setup... to be exact I am unsure as to how I should open regedit during any stage in setup, let alone exactly before the hardware detection. Could you (or anyone) give me a link or explanation or anything to help me out here? Thanks again!
  2. The option to put the Program Files folder is a great feature of nLite, however there appears to be a slight problem with the x64 windows version. There does not appear to be an option to select the location for this folder, and the normal option doesn't seem to include the 32 bit folder. I've tried a few installs and they all nicely change the 64 bit folder but leave the settings for its 32 bit counterpart at default. After searching the forum here turned up nothing I decided to make a topic about it, to see if it really is nLite, or that something has gone haywire on my end. So either way if it isn't in nLite I'd be much obliged if it was added to a to-do list or something, and if it is, I guess I could use some support Thank you!
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