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  1. My server setup: Win2k, IIS5.0, PHP 4.0.10 running as ISAPI Problem 1: PHP.ini settings ignored. Not too sure how to address this one. I've tried changing some settings in the PHP.ini file. Some just do not seem to take. Example ~ there's a setting called SMTP that tells PHP what server to use. I change from the default, "localhost", to "smtp.mydomain.com" and reboot, but phpinfo() still shows localhost. Problem 2 ~ SENDMAIL_FROM is a setting that's supposed to be a global “From” for PHP to use in case individual scripts don't specify that email header. Making a change in php.ini and rebooting doesn't make a difference in what phpinfo() shows, which is nothing! PHP.ini settings can be overridden by a function call from individual scripts, but they have to be overridden from each script that needs the functionality. Is there a better way to force PHP to use all the settings in the PHP.ini file? Thanks for your assistance !!!
  2. My server setup: Win2k, IIS5.0, PHP 4.0.10 running as ISAPI. Virtual servers (websites) each set up with individual IP addresses. In IIS, each site is individually set up to use PHP as opposed to having PHP set up at the top level so its use is inherited by the individual sites. PROBLEM ~ How can I configure IIS and PHP to be able to host multiple virtual server websites with different PHP.ini instructions? (For example, one site needs Zend and I don’t want Zend to be available to other sites) I've tried putting a copy of php.ini in the individual server/site root folders, and deleting the copy from c:\winnt, and rebooting the system. Phpinfo still shows that PHP is using PHP.ini from c:\winnt, even though it's gone! Can anyone explain what’s going on here? PHP is supposed to look for a php.ini file as follows ~ 1. PHPIniDir directive (Apache only - so does not apply) 2.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PHP\IniFilePath (this is NOT in the registry !) 3. a) Directory of PHP (for CLI - not what we're using), or B) the web server's directory (for SAPI modules This applies - we are using SAPI; tried this; doesn't work) 4. Windows directory (this is the only place it looks) Thanks for your assistance !!!
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