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Everything posted by bartman1

  1. I wanted that unattended windows automatically adds users like "normal windows" installation does, hidden "Administrator" and 1 default user with the name i choose, no password setted for default user, and runs only on default user, showing "Administrator" only in safe mode. I needed it to test some stuff so I made it, and it worked The only difference is that user "Daniel" auomatically logon in safe mode so here's what I did: cmdlines.txt [COMMANDS] "RunOncEx.cmd" RunOncEx.cmd cmdow @ /HID @Echo Off REGEDIT /S %windir%\users.reg $oem$\$$\system32\oobe\oobeinfo.ini [UserInfo] Identity000="Administrator" Identity001="Daniel" $oem$\$$\users.reg Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] "DefaultUserName"="Daniel" "DefaultPassword"="" "AltDefaultUserName"="Daniel" "AutoAdminLogon"="1" "Administrator"=dword:00000000 Hope it helps
  2. Hi, I'm using Windows XP with vbs and reg files to configure network in my unattended Disc I'm done with Workgroup, Computer Name, IP/DHCP and DNS Configuration, I want to enable filesharing in windows When my installation is finished and I want to share a folder it says that I need to run the network config wizard I need to run netsetup.cpl to setup the computers, I don't like that, no more unattended windows =( I already tried with registry entries but they aren't imported cause are system entries, I think (I tried with a working pc and regedit can't import them neither) I can't find information about doing it via WMI/vbs Is there a command line to configure network or a way to run netsetup.cpl unattended ?
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