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Posts posted by Jeroeneke

  1. This is what setuperr.log says:

    Setup was unable to invoke external program .\$1\Install\XPlode\XPlodelog.cmd because of the following error:
    CreateProcess returned error 2 (2).


    Setup was unable to execute the commands in $OEM$\OEMFILES\cmdlines.txt.


    Will try what alanoll says, that is indeed easier than messing around with those .cmd files ;)

  2. cmdlines.txt file:


    XPlodelog.cmd file:

    @echo off
    FOR %%i IN (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\CD.txt SET CDROM=%%i:
    start /wait %CDROM%\$OEM$\XPlode\XPlode.exe /log:"C:\XPlode.log" /console

    XPlode dir is in the $OEM$ folder.

    Nothing wrong in my eyes ...

    it doesn't do anything

    C:\Windows\Setuperr.log, is that a log file from the windows installation or something? Will see it when it's completely installed

    oh, btw, i'm installing Windows 2003, there is no difference with the Windows XP installation is there? (eccept for those lines in winnt.sif)

  3. Strange,

    it seems I can't install from any other folder than $OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode.

    I edit both the cmdlines.txt and XPlodelog.cmd file to the new directories (and replace the XPlode folder to that directory) but it doesn't seem to work!

    I think it is something in cmdlines.txt, as I have seen it doesn't do anything if there are any mistakes in it (tested it by giving some folders etc. that don't exists).

    strange thing!

  4. It finally worked!

    It installed via XPlode from the cd

    this is my cmdlines.txt flie:


    This is my XPlodelog.cmd file:

    @echo off
    FOR %%i IN (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\CD.txt SET CDROM=%%i:
    start /wait %CDROM%\$OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\XPlode.exe /log:"C:\XPlode.log" /console

    Hope it works for you too!

    EDIT: By installing from the cd, you can test out your XPlode file, looks verry handy to me! When my XPlode file is correct, I will try to install from the HD like you said before!



  5. is XPlode even being copied over to the harddrive?

    Yeah, XPlode is being copied over to the harddrive.

    @Bi0haZarD, I will try it later today, will let you know if it has fixed the problem,

    @ Wraith, What's it with those pre- and post-execute errors? Should I fix something? And about it's running too fast, what do you exactly mean ?

    I have to say that XPlode works like it should when Windows is started and I run XPlode manually (by the batch file)! (BSPlayer is installed like it should be)



  6. It doesn't say anything, because the file isn't there. XPlode isn't even opened.

    If I run XPlode manually after install, then it says this:

    >>> Log session start at: 2005/12/27 01:37:13
    Importing file: 'C:\Install\XPlode\include-StdConfig.xml'
    Import context: 'XPlode4(0).config(0)', from 'C:\Install\XPlode\include-StdConfig.xml' succeeded.
    Importing file: 'C:\Install\XPlode\include-Items.xml'
    Import context: 'XPlode4(0)', from 'C:\Install\XPlode\include-Items.xml' succeeded.
    Reading environment variables from XML
    #DISPLAY.TITLE# = 'XPlode Installation'
    #DISPLAY.COMPLETE# = 'completed'
    #ACCTMGMT.ADDUSER# = 'Adding user: #1#'
    #ACCTMGMT.DELUSER# = 'Deleting user: #1#'
    #ACCTMGMT.ADDGROUP# = 'Adding group: #1#'
    #ACCTMGMT.DELGROUP# = 'Deleting group: #1#'
    #EXECUTE.STRING# = 'Executing: #1#'
    #MISC.SFCOS-DISABLE# = 'Disabling Windows File Protection'
    #MISC.SFCOS-ENABLE# = 'Enabling Windows File Protection'
    #MISC.NETSTART# = 'Starting #1#'
    #MISC.NETSTOP# = 'Stopping #1#'
    #MISC.SLEEP# = 'Sleeping for #1# seconds'
    #REGISTRY.READ# = 'Reading from registry'
    #REGISTRY.WRITE# = 'Writing to registry'
    #FILEIO.COPY# = 'Copying: #1# to #2# (#3# of #4#, #5# of #6#)'
    #FILEIO.MOVE# = 'Moving: #1# to #2# (#3# of #4#, #5# of #6#)'
    #FILEIO.DELETE# = 'Deleting: #1# from #2# (#4#)'
    #FILEIO.RENAME# = 'Renaming: #1# to #2#'
    #FILEIO.SHORTCUT# = 'Creating shortcut to #1#'
    #FILEIO.RMDIR# = 'Deleting: #1# from #2# (#4\)'
    #FILEIO.MKDIR# = 'Creating directory: #1#'
    Reading tokens from XML
    Username: Spike
    Domain: HOME
    Password: *****
    Username: Jet
    Domain: HOME
    Password: *****
    Active environment variables
    #ACCTMGMT.ADDGROUP# = 'Adding group: #1#'
    #ACCTMGMT.ADDUSER# = 'Adding user: #1#'
    #ACCTMGMT.DELGROUP# = 'Deleting group: #1#'
    #ACCTMGMT.DELUSER# = 'Deleting user: #1#'
    #ALLUSERSPROFILE# = 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users'
    #APPDATA# = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data'
    #CLUSTERLOG# = 'C:\WINDOWS\Cluster\cluster.log'
    #COMMONPROGRAMFILES# = 'C:\Program Files\Common Files'
    #COMSPEC# = '%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe'
    #DISPLAY.COMPLETE# = 'completed'
    #DISPLAY.TITLE# = 'XPlode Installation'
    #EXECUTE.STRING# = 'Executing: #1#'
    #FILEIO.COPY# = 'Copying: #1# to #2# (#3# of #4#, #5# of #6#)'
    #FILEIO.DELETE# = 'Deleting: #1# from #2# (#4#)'
    #FILEIO.MKDIR# = 'Creating directory: #1#'
    #FILEIO.MOVE# = 'Moving: #1# to #2# (#3# of #4#, #5# of #6#)'
    #FILEIO.RENAME# = 'Renaming: #1# to #2#'
    #FILEIO.RMDIR# = 'Deleting: #1# from #2# (#4\)'
    #FILEIO.SHORTCUT# = 'Creating shortcut to #1#'
    #HOMEDRIVE# = 'C:'
    #HOMEPATH# = '\Documents and Settings\Administrator'
    #MISC.NETSTART# = 'Starting #1#'
    #MISC.NETSTOP# = 'Stopping #1#'
    #MISC.SFCOS-DISABLE# = 'Disabling Windows File Protection'
    #MISC.SFCOS-ENABLE# = 'Enabling Windows File Protection'
    #MISC.SLEEP# = 'Sleeping for #1# seconds'
    #OS# = 'Windows_NT'
    #PATH# = '%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem'
    #PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER# = 'x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 8, GenuineIntel'
    #PROCESSOR_LEVEL# = '15'
    #PROGRAMFILES# = 'C:\Program Files'
    #PROMPT# = '$P$G'
    #REGISTRY.READ# = 'Reading from registry'
    #REGISTRY.WRITE# = 'Writing to registry'
    #SESSIONNAME# = 'Console'
    #SOURCEDRIVE# = 'D:'
    #SOURCEPATH# = 'D:\I386'
    #SYSTEMDRIVE# = 'C:'
    #TEMP# = '%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp'
    #TMP# = '%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp'
    #USERNAME# = 'Administrator'
    #USERPROFILE# = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator'
    #VERSION# = '4.3.51210.1523'
    #WINDIR# = '%SystemRoot%'
    #XML.FILE# = 'C:\Install\XPlode\XPlode-GFXinstall.xml'
    #XML.PATH# = 'C:\Install\XPlode\'
    #XPLODE# = 'C:\Install\XPlode'
    #XPLODE.BASE# = 'C:\Install\XPlode'
    Loading XPlode plugins
    Loading display plugin: 'C:\Install\XPlode\XPlodeGFXInstall.x4d'
    Plugin load successful: 'C:\Install\XPlode\XPlodeGFXInstall.x4d'
    Loading effects plugins
    Plugin load successful: 'C:\Install\XPlode\XPlodeRegistry.x4e'
    Plugin load successful: 'C:\Install\XPlode\XPlodeMisc.x4e'
    Plugin load successful: 'C:\Install\XPlode\XPlodeFileOps.x4e'
    Plugin load successful: 'C:\Install\XPlode\XPlodeExecute.x4e'
    Plugin load successful: 'C:\Install\XPlode\XPlodeAcctMgmt.x4e'
    Registering XPlode commands
    Registering commands in 'C:\Install\XPlode\XPlodeRegistry.x4e'
    Command registered: <registry ... />
    Registering commands in 'C:\Install\XPlode\XPlodeMisc.x4e'
    Command registered: <sfcos-enable ... />
    Command registered: <sfcos-disable ... />
    Command registered: <netstart ... />
    Command registered: <netstop ... />
    Command registered: <hidewindow ... />
    Command registered: <showwindow ... />
    Command registered: <sleep ... />
    Registering commands in 'C:\Install\XPlode\XPlodeFileOps.x4e'
    Command registered: <fileio-copy ... />
    Command registered: <fileio-move ... />
    Command registered: <fileio-delete ... />
    Command registered: <fileio-rename ... />
    Command registered: <fileio-rmdir ... />
    Command registered: <fileio-mkdir ... />
    Command registered: <fileio-shortcut ... />
    Registering commands in 'C:\Install\XPlode\XPlodeExecute.x4e'
    Command registered: <execute ... />
    Registering commands in 'C:\Install\XPlode\XPlodeAcctMgmt.x4e'
    Command registered: <adduser ... />
    Command registered: <addgroup ... />
    Command registered: <deluser ... />
    Command registered: <delgroup ... />
    Executing tag: 'XPlode4(0).pre-execute(0).hidewindow(0)'
    Error during execution: Window not found..
    Spawning display plugin
    Install log: Starting dialog
    Install log: Execution thread
    Executing tag: 'XPlode4(0).items(0).item(0).execute(0)'
    Install log: Running: 'C:\Install\Apps\BSPlayer_1.37.826.exe /S'
    Executing tag: 'XPlode4(0).post-execute(0).showwindow(0)'
    Error during execution: Window not found..
    >>> Log session end at: 2005/12/27 01:37:23

  7. I have been searching all day for this.

    XPlode 4 won't load from my cmdlines.txt file. When Win2003 is installed, nothing happened. But if i start xplode after Win2003 install, it installs my programs, like it should do in the installation.

    This is my cmdlines.txt file (placed in the $OEM$ directory):


    This is my XPlodelog.cmd file (placed in $OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\):

    @echo off
    start /wait %SystemDrive%\Install\XPlode\XPlode.exe /xml:"#XPLODE#\XPlode-GFXinstall.xml" /log:"C:\XPlode.log" /console

    This is my XPlode-GFXinstall.xml file (placed in $OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\):

    <!-- include the standard config stuff -->
    <include file="#XPLODE#\include-StdConfig.xml" />
    Block containing all settings for the current display plugin.

    This will be dependent on which plugin used, so check
    documentation for that specific plug.
    <display plugin='#XPLODE#\XPlodeGFXInstall.x4d'>
    <show total='16' after='8' subcount='true' />
    <font face='Verdana' antialias='true' small='8' large='13' />
    <!-- note the position attribute - it is listed in 'x,y' positions. -->
    <!-- 0..8 still may be used. -->
    <window width='420' height='410' position='5' /> <!-- background="#XPLODE#\images\gfxinstall.png" -->
    <windowmode border='true' ontop='false' />
    <!-- the text colour and position for the header text -->
    <header x='4' y='27' fore='#FFFFFF' />
    <!-- the text colour and position for the footer -
    width tells XPlode how wide the footer is (including progress) -->
    <footer x='4' y='380' width='400' fore='#FFFFFF' />
    <!-- standard progress bar colours -->
    <progress border='#000000' back='#FFFFFF' fore='#526FA3' />
    <!-- text colours, position and width for the items listing -->
    <main x='16' y='65' width='388' fore='#FFFFFF' current='#FFFF00' description='#FFFF80' overlay='#FFFFFF44'/>

    <!-- include the items list -->
    <include file="#XPLODE#\include-Items.xml" />

    This is my include-Items.xml file (placed in $OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\):


    <item display="BSplayer 1.37.826">
    <execute display='Programma'>

    At the moment I have only BSPlayer as an app because I want to make XPlode work before adding all my apps etc.

    hope someone finds what I'm doing wrong!

    thanks in advance!


  8. I'm kind of having the same problem,

    My folders aren't copied too. OemPreinstall=Yes is inside my winnt.sif

    I'm trying to install via XPlode, but it doesn't seem to work because of my folders aren't being copied.

    Anybody thinks he knows the problem ?

    thx in advance! :)


    EDIT: Believe it or not, but it does work now :-S, I didn't change anything, only retried in VMWare. No need for searching anymore ;-)

    thx :-)

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