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  1. New info i format the windows xp pro partition When the installer finished to load the drivers it reboot.. i try whith all the drivers for since 6.53 to 6.83...
  2. Hi all! Since friday night i'm trying to install Windows Xp x64 on my computer, but i can't... Just once the instalation setup gave me the opportunity to format the HD, but when the installer finished to format and started to copy the files ... a blue screen appear!!! The other "one hundred times" the instalation stop in "Setup is starting Windows" I have tried to copy the nvd4 sata drive into a disk and press F6 and to integrate the files into the windows CD...but it did not pass anything I wanna know if someones can help me...please!!! I have a sata seagate HD, my motherboard it's DFI-Landparty ultra-D, AMD 64 venice 3200... I have to format first the windows x32 partition to install the x64?, i don0t wanna a dual boot Sorry for my poor english
  3. I can't change it too. I can't write this parameters just because the program don't let me do it
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