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About piper28

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  1. Ok, I'm testing my unattended installs in vmware, but one issue I've run into is kinda annoying. Regardless of what I do it seems to come up in 640x480 mode, wanting to change the resolution later. This causes me problems in two places. One is I have an app that likes to complain if the resolutions isn't at least 800x600 on install (yet it still installs after hitting ok), and I'd also like to consider using WPI, which doesn't appear to be happy with 640x480. I've tried setting higher resolutions in winnt.sif, and I've also tried adding the display driver with the oem driver path stuff, but nothing seems to make it come up in anything other than 640x480. Since a fair number of people seem to use vmware to test, I'm hoping that maybe someone has come up with a solution for this and can point me the right way. (VMWare 5, XP SP2 unattended install) Thanks.
  2. I'm not claiming it's any better or anything, but I used an autoit script to wait for the installer to finish, and it's seemed to work pretty well for me so far: Sleep(10000) While ProcessExists("setup.exe") Sleep(30000) WEnd
  3. This method works, but as far as I can tell, it doesn't wait till the software has finished installing before it progresses to the next item on the list. I've tried both from runonceex, and also from the command started guirunonce with start /wait, but no luck. It's a long enough install process that varies from machine to machine, so sleep seems like it's not the most elegant solution, anyone ever done something that will wait till a specific file has been found to continue on with the list? Or any other ideas?
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