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  1. I'm not even talking about actual burned media here. This is with mounted ISO's within a VM to test. I dont set anything. I extract the MSDN 7 SP1 x64 ISO to a directory and add updates/apps. I dont change anything else. As an aside, VirtualBox since v4 just plain sucks. Unreliable, unmitigated garbage. Had to move to VMware player to continue testing 64bit guests.
  2. This is Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1 native build from MSDN. I build the ISO with "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\oscdimg.exe" -u2 -m -o -lWin7 -b"work\etfsboot.com" -yo"work\bootorder.txt" "C:\Windows7\source" "C:\Windows7\Win7.iso" The WIM file is actually 3.52GB, not as big as I thought. The office2k10 file is called Office2010.exe, and I put it in a folder called "addons" in the root of the ISO. I also noticed I could not put the VM "Windows XP mode" either, it is around 490MB in size. Aside from that, I install roughly 50 other addons with no issue as long as these big files are left out of the ISO.
  3. I have isolated my strange Win7 install issues to adding large files to the install source. I'm not talking about the install.wim exceeding 4GB, the latest oscdimg with UDF support gets past that issue no problem. Specifically, in the interests of trying to contain my universal unattended windows 7 install to the size of a DL-DVD, I am trying to utilize a 2.6GB Office 2010 switchless installer I made (otherwise it's > 3.5GB of uncompressed files/folders). If, and only if, I place the Office 2010 installer in my source and create the iso I get random, odd errors in Windows 7 setup - and so I'm wondering if the ISO structure breaks if you have any files on the DVD that are huge other than the WIMs? The error I get now is that the disk cant be found and needs to load a driver. I take out the 2.6GB installer, all is well.
  4. AddonKopierer http://win-lite.de/wbb/board195-windows-7/board196-win7-tools-zur-image-bearbeitung/3585-addonkopierer-v0-4-0-0-0-4-0-7-beta/ Its a german addon integrator for Win7 that is roughly translated in English but does EXACTLY what you require. I too am very much in your shoes in that I was deeply embedded in the methods of tailoring an unattended XP installation source, and as we all know, the movent lost a TON of steam since vista and still takes a lot of digging to get to the same functionality for Win7 UA installs. Perhaps I'm lazy and just am in a permanent state of TL;DR - but to hell with mounting WIMs in and every darn time just add an app! BAH! This little critter inserts addons to your install source in a separate addon folder, which you can then easily replace switchless installers with the latest ones (use the same exe name). My question is how do you do this process manually? I probably waited years for a utility like this...
  5. A couple of things that I imagine other people find frustrating and would like to be addressed: 1) When you are integrating a lot of drivers (like from Win7 driver packs from driverpacks.net) if there is a single driver that returns a dsim ExitCode of "2" (integration failed), the whole integration process stops and the remaining drivers that otherwise would integrate with no problem (ExitCode="0") are not processed. Is there a way to have the integration continue and just report later that certain drivers resulted in error? 2) Also when integrating a lot of drivers, it would be nice to be able to sort the columns in the GUI interface. For instance, I would like to be able to sort by type so I could then check en-masse all of the mass-storage drivers as "boot critical". On that note, it would be nice to be able to select multiple drivers with shift-clicking as well. Thanks for your time.
  6. As I have stated several times already because I myself have gone through the same crap - Firegeier's section on applications in his UA vista guide is invalid for SP1 installs - the audit mode switches no longer work in SP1 and if you follow his guide line by line your install will always result in a critical failure. I think it is time now to make a sticky regarding this issue because too many people today are getting burned by this outdated guide since SP1 is now pretty much the defacto build for any Vista user when building an unattended image. Firegeier's guide is otherwise quite a valuable resource but this critical flaw needs to either be updated or at least the admins here make a note on his thread so people can save themselves hours of grief.
  7. Open with 7zip. Extract the msu and repeat!
  8. end.cmd Haven't give me any problem for some months now [Edit] Noticed you want to use RunOnceEx where I use RunOnce, guess it won't give you any problems but I'm not 100% sure .. OK this is still not what I want - but getting closer. This will launch a process after the "black screen" no-mans-land phase where SetupComplete.cmd executes - but still launches before the desktop is created for the first time. I have a VERY stingy app that will only install properly AFTER the initial desktop creation is complete and are logged in as Administrator. So, I tried copying a cmd that launches the install from the startup folder as suggested above - the cmd wont copy to the administrator startup folder!?!? Access is denied? What gives? I even copied that cmd to the mounted WIM and saved and it never showed up. What is so ungodly hard about setting up an unattened Vista install that ends with launching an app install via the administrator startup folder?
  9. Ok, so I gave up on FirstLogonCommands because running setupcomplete.cmd in \scripts does the same thing. However what I really need to finalize my unattended setup is to be able to launch an app installer AFTER the computer autologin's as administrator to the desktop. How can I do this?
  10. I don't think, I know the audit mode instructions are indubitably not applicable to SP1 installs. Search around, many SP1 users are very frustrated that they follow this guide line by line and wonder why their install powers off or crashes once entering audit mode to install apps.
  11. Echo..........Install 7-zip start /wait %AppsRoot%install\7-zip\7z465-x64.msi /passive Echo..........Install Citrix start /wait %AppsRoot%install\Citrix\ICA.exe Echo..........Install Office start /wait %AppsRoot%install\Office\O2K7.EXE Echo..........Finished shutdown -r -c "Rebooting To Finish Setup." This is complex? You kidding me? Also if you'll notice the Administrator account is autologging in, so UAC does not come into play here. I personally(probably not doing it right) cannot get First logon commands to work in OOBE The command line parameters kept getting screwed up. So I used a batch file. Single command, no spaces to get confusing... If you were paying attention to this thread, I am doing the same thing (a single script command).
  12. Echo..........Install 7-zip start /wait %AppsRoot%install\7-zip\7z465-x64.msi /passive Echo..........Install Citrix start /wait %AppsRoot%install\Citrix\ICA.exe Echo..........Install Office start /wait %AppsRoot%install\Office\O2K7.EXE Echo..........Finished shutdown -r -c "Rebooting To Finish Setup." This is complex? You kidding me? Also if you'll notice the Administrator account is autologging in, so UAC does not come into play here.
  13. Nope, nothing changed. End result is a desktop logged in as administrator with nothing else happening. Here's my current xml with the change you suggested: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> - <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"> - <settings pass="windowsPE"> - <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> - <UserData> - <ProductKey> <Key>********************</Key> <WillShowUI>OnError</WillShowUI> </ProductKey> <AcceptEula>true</AcceptEula> <FullName>Fragbert</FullName> </UserData> - <DiskConfiguration> - <Disk wcm:action="add"> - <CreatePartitions> - <CreatePartition wcm:action="add"> <Type>Primary</Type> <Order>1</Order> <Extend>true</Extend> </CreatePartition> </CreatePartitions> <DiskID>0</DiskID> <WillWipeDisk>true</WillWipeDisk> </Disk> </DiskConfiguration> - <ImageInstall> - <OSImage> - <InstallTo> <DiskID>0</DiskID> <PartitionID>1</PartitionID> </InstallTo> <InstallToAvailablePartition>false</InstallToAvailablePartition> <WillShowUI>OnError</WillShowUI> </OSImage> </ImageInstall> </component> - <component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> - <SetupUILanguage> <UILanguage>en-US</UILanguage> </SetupUILanguage> <InputLocale>0409:00000409</InputLocale> <SystemLocale>en-US</SystemLocale> <UILanguage>en-US</UILanguage> <UserLocale>en-US</UserLocale> </component> </settings> - <settings pass="specialize"> - <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-Licensing-SLC-UX" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <SkipAutoActivation>true</SkipAutoActivation> </component> </settings> - <settings pass="oobeSystem"> - <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> - <AutoLogon> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <LogonCount>2</LogonCount> <Username>Administrator</Username> </AutoLogon> - <Display> <ColorDepth>32</ColorDepth> <HorizontalResolution>1024</HorizontalResolution> <VerticalResolution>768</VerticalResolution> </Display> - <OOBE> <HideEULAPage>true</HideEULAPage> <NetworkLocation>Home</NetworkLocation> <ProtectYourPC>1</ProtectYourPC> <SkipMachineOOBE>true</SkipMachineOOBE> <SkipUserOOBE>true</SkipUserOOBE> </OOBE> <TimeZone>Eastern Standard Time</TimeZone> - <FirstLogonCommands> - <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <CommandLine>cmd /c "FOR %i IN (C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %i:\AppsRoot.txt SETX AppsRoot %i: -m"</CommandLine> <Description>Detection CDROM</Description> <Order>1</Order> </SynchronousCommand> - <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <CommandLine>%AppsRoot%install\run.cmd</CommandLine> <Description>Install Programs</Description> <Order>2</Order> </SynchronousCommand> </FirstLogonCommands> <RegisteredOrganization>Owner</RegisteredOrganization> <RegisteredOwner>Owner</RegisteredOwner> </component> - <component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <InputLocale>0409:00000409</InputLocale> <SystemLocale>en-US</SystemLocale> <UILanguage>en-US</UILanguage> <UserLocale>en-US</UserLocale> </component> </settings> <cpi:offlineImage cpi:source="wim:d:/vista/iso/sources/install.wim#Windows Vista ULTIMATE" xmlns:cpi="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:cpi" /> </unattend>
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