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Posts posted by agoodfella

  1. OK this is a little strange, but after my Win update last night, some of my folders look strange (I can still access them).

    The easiest way to explain it is 90% of the Folder has an Icon on top which is best described as a blank white page with a turned corner... Only get this is Thumbnail view. Other views look ok.

    It's annoying though since this is my media subfolders and I always use Thumbnail view.

    Any help?


  2. Hello all,

    Vista's taskbar height is "supposed" to be = 30px.

    However, in practice, I’ve found it to be 32px (perhaps its because I have re-sized my screen from its native resolution to 1400×900?)

    In any case, this is important for me as I always create my wallpapers with a dedicated area available for the actual visible real estate (i.e. every pixel above the task bar, hence, my default "workable" canvas for wallpapers are 1400×868 –> thus my calculation for a 32px Vista taskbar height).

    At any rate, what is W7’s exact taskbar height? I've read that if you enable "small icons" that it is "supposed" to be the same height as Vista's, but again the original question remains --> 30px or 32px? (if it is exactly the same as Vista in my experience).


  3. OK, so I just bought a "portable" notebook (VAIO TT series) -- for work / travel.

    Its nice and light, not powerful (VISTA Business, 1.2GHz, Core 2 Duo, 3GB RAM, 120GB Hard Drive - 100GB "usable") -- at any rate, its 1.3kg and very portable.

    My question is with regards to partitioning benefits. Obviously, if I had a computer with, say, 300GB+, I'd definitely partition it, but with roughly 100GB to work with, is it worth all of the trouble?

    If I did it, I'd go with prolly a 60/40 split giving the C:/ drive 60GB (and most of the apps / heavy programs) and a D:/ drive for files... But the question stands, with just 100GB to work with is it worth the trouble? will i see a noticeable performance improvement?


  4. OK, this is kind of an odd problem, but whenever I stick in a USB drive, the Autoplay Options pop up, and I have a list of programs it gives me to play or open the drive.

    One of the options is Nero, though for some reason, the Icon is missing and you get that default "uknown" microsoft icon when the Computer doesn't recognize a file or prorgram. My question is simply, how can I get the Nero / proper Icon to show whenever the Autoplay Options pop up?


  5. It should recognize it every time you reboot or resume from sleep - if it isn't, perhaps the controller driver for the SD slot isn't presenting the card right away, or isn't loading properly (or quiclkly enough) to allow it to recognize the card. It almost sounds as if the SD card, on resume or reboot, doesn't present that there's actually a card in there to Vista.

    Many thanks for your reply. Is there any way to fix this?

    Thanks again

  6. For those who are familiar with Vista's ReadyBoost, quick question: is my computer supposed to recognize my SD card designated for ReadyBoost everytime I load my computer or wake it from Sleep?

    Because although my computer recognizes my designated card once I insert it, after I reboot, I have to take it out and re-insert for my computer to recognize it again. Can I set this up so my computer can recognize it automatically or am I doing something wrong? Thanks.

  7. Is there a maximum amount of memory you can dedicate to ReadyBoost? If so how much?

    Or is this a function of how much RAM is installed on my laptop (maximum amount of RAM for my laptop is 4GB)?

    Also, the more memory you allocate for ReadyBoost, will the computer use it? In other words, if I've got 1mg vs. 8mg of dedicated memory for ReadyBoost, will the computer actually use most of those amounts -- or is there an optimal amount (ceiling) to dedicate whereby its a waste to allocate any more?? Thanks

  8. Intel's TurboMemory automatically allocates 1/2 of its dedicated 1GB TurboMemory (i.e. 512MB) into two portions:

    1) Ready DRIVE

    2) Ready BOOST

    Now, given that Vista only allows use one cache at one time for ReadyBoost, I am planning on disabling Intel's ReadyBoost in lieu of my own SD ReadyBoost.

    Here is the question. For those in a similar situation, what happens to the unused 512MB of Intel's TurboMemory? Is it just wasted / unused? Does it automatically get allocated to ReadyDRIVE?

    If not, is there a way to allocated that unused memory to ReadyDrive manually, and if so, are there detailed instructions as to how?

    Many thanks.

  9. Has anyone had good (or bad) experiences enabling Ready Boost?

    I have a few questions:

    - What happens if you have enabled Ready Boost and you decide to unplug your USB memory? Will this cause havoc to your system?

    - What is the minimum amount of memory you should use to see a meaningful difference?

    - Are there certain read/write speeds you need to have (i.e. will this work on a SD card? will this work with a Seagate FreeAgent USB external hard drive?)


  10. what you do is right click on the updates and there should be an option to not install them. i cant remember what that option was but just right click on the ones you dont one. if i remember right i think its hide update but dont quote me on that.

    That's the one. Many thanks for your help.

  11. I have Windows Update to inform me when updates are available and give me the choice of whether to install or not.

    However, there are a couple of "important" updates which I don't want to install and it keeps showing up everytime I boot up. Is there anyway to get Windows Update to not show me these particular updates anymore?


  12. Use imagex to grab an image of your physical vista installation. You may want to run sysprep beforehand but probably not necessary. then, apply that wim image to the virtual HDD. fix the bootloader so vista is loaded. also, it may not load unless because of GUID reliance. you'll have to make that installation GUID-independent.

    thanks for all of the replies. you lost me at imagex.

    i am a tech-id*** and there is no way i'd be able to successfully navigate through any of that without crashing the internets.

    thanks for the replies though.

    i do need help though re: my screensaver problem (please see my thread on that in the main Vista section).

  13. Try to run a 32-bit system with 4GB of ram... what a nightmare.

    Can someone explain why this is a nightmare?

    (sorry, but I'm not that much of a tech expert... I have Windows Vista Ultimate 32 bit -- and am thinking about upgrading to 4GB of RAM from current 2GB)...

    Is there something I should know?

  14. OK, folks. This is strange. My screen saver had not been activated recently so I decided to test it. I tested the Screen Saver on 1 minute and it activated successfully.

    My normal setting is 10 minutes. I tested again with that setting and it did NOT engage.

    What could be the problem?

    (p.s. I've done a bit of research and know that there is an issue with Microsoft's wireless mouse, I do have a Microsoft mouse, but it is wired -- besides, its not like the Screensaver doesn't engage at all, it seems to work on the 1 minute setting, but not at 10 minutes...)

    Please help.

  15. I currently have Norton IS 2008 installed on my Windows Vista machine.

    I was thinking about adding another AV program (such as BitDefender or Kaspersky). I was wondering if I can I have multiple AV programs installed on my machinge?

    I mean I know that who can't have multiple ones running in the background at the same time, but I was wondering if installing multiple AV programs creates unnecessary conflicts with a system.


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