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Everything posted by CYaBro

  1. Hi all, Thought I'd let you know I fixed my problem. What I did was create a new profile from the mail icon in the control panel. Then logged in as this new profile and imported, from the faulty profile's .pst file, all the emails, contacts etc. Tested new contacts and emails with this new profile and it works! So somehow the old profile got corrupted. Cheers
  2. Thanks for the reply! It is on a new Acer laptop that was a fresh install of Windows XP Pro and only ever had Office 2003 installed on it. It has been working fine for about 4-5 months then just started happening. Didn't install any new software or anything.
  3. Hi, Having a problem adding new contacts in Outlook 2003 on a Windows XP Pro SP2 Acer notebook. I can go into the contacts folder and click on New and type in the first name last name etc OK but as soon as I click in the email box at the top right to type in the email address Outlook crashes out and asks to send error report to Microsoft. I have done an autoupdate for Office so all the latest patches installed. I have also done a repair & reinstall from Add/Remove programs. Everything else in Outlook, and other Office programs, is fine. Help please! Cheers Just adding another note: I can click in the email field but as soon as I start typing Outlook crashes. Also noticed that the 'Suggest address' option when typing in an email address in a new message is not working even though the option is selected. Cheers!
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