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  1. Consider it an investment in your career. As more and more companies are into different technologies, and the OEM's are developing certifications for their systems, it can only be a good thing. As a jr. admin, you are doing pretty well, and getting great experience to boot. As much as you'd like to camp there forever, it's just *not* realistic. The turnover rate is high in IT, with people leaving for greener pastures, and widening your skillset is a constant necessity. Who knows, your attitude may also change -- and theirs might as well -- and you may need to make a change. ANYTHING you can do to put your resume on top of the pile is a bonus. I know some very experienced admins (old-skoolers) that refuse to go the cert route -- and that limits their options, if only for pride and ego (I don't need no steenkin' cert to prove I know what I'm doin'!). Shame, really, but in a high-tech and competitive industry like IT, every feather in your hat is a plus. Regardless, the A+>Network+>MCSA>MCSE is a natural progression. Peppered with a CCNA (or above), and maybe a RHCE, and you'll look great on paper. Sure, experience is really what counts, but that's not the entire answer in getting a job. A wise man once said ... certs get you past HR, and experience gets you the job. Getting certified shows that you recognize the industry professionalism, and work to embrace it, rather than oppose it. Good Luck! MCSE World CertForums
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