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About MOMAtteo79

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  1. I have problem with ie7 i think, each time i input a new address it gives me an error, an idea on how to fix it? tnx
  2. i have a question, is it possible to add small icons on the left part of the context menu of windows (the one with right mouse clic), you know cut copy paste, excetera, like the ones some prgs has (winrar and others)
  3. if someone wants to uninstall what to do? is it just enough changing theme?
  4. fedora inverse for me too
  5. good to hear the X is gone for good
  6. This site has the coolest icons i've ever seen http://www.foood.net/ you can find some to use in future updates for sure, you should really think of it yeah i meant the red cross that appears when confirming deleting stuff in bin
  7. So we have to manually edit dhe shell32 , mm better not make errors, but i think that in next version you can chose a better icon, as i think i'm not the only one who thinks that that one is not so beautiful..
  8. When you go on optimize for performance and defragment memory tab there is a graphic with the processor occupation, that doesn't work and appears a series of windows saying Unable to locate the "processor" performance object I suppose it refers to something like task manager, whic is correctly changed in grapics and works fine,
  9. Whic part of xpize should i unistal to remove the red cross that appears when it ask confirmation for emptying recycle bin? i really don't like that X I'm a new user of Xpize, just installed it and i really like it.
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