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Red Barchetta

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Posts posted by Red Barchetta

  1. I got it, finally!

    Main problem was, I kept seeing all the info, but somehow missed what file it should be in, and where it needs to be on the hard drive when first boot occurs. Add to that the fact that I also saw a lot of info on the oobeinfo.ini file that seemed to be setting a lot of the same things already done in WinNT.sif.

    But since I am already using WinNT.sif to answer the questions while install is in progress - I only specified the stuff for the first boot screens, and copy the oobeinfo.ini file to the hard drive while OS setup is going on - works fine - just a bit confusing at first for some reason......

  2. Can someone tell me how I can set my own defaults, and/or auto answer the stuff you get on the first boot of a clean install of WinXP Pro (SP2)?

    Like automatically answer No to "Ready to register with Microsoft?" and on the question about if the system is directly connected to the Internet, or a LAN, have the default direct connection, but user can change to LAN.

  3. What I did was - don't slipstream IE7! - instead install it on the first login to the OS, but the hotfixes don't take until you restart the system after installing IE7, and RunOnceEx is broken at that point. RunOnce however seems to be fine, so at the end of the first set of RunOnceEx installs, I create an entry in the RunOnce processes to run a batch command file to install the IE7 hotfixes, and creates more RunOnceEx processes before it restarts the system.

    Works fine for me. But if somehow your RunOnce is broken to - why not place the script to install the IE7 fixes in %AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup - Just make sure it deletes itself after it has run!

    I Actually have two .cmd files involved, and use a tag file because otherwise the RunOnce starts before the system restarts, and they get compiled to .exe files for use on my install disk - but, my codes for both batch command files:



    reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v IE7 /D "%SystemDrive%\OS_UPDATES\IE7\install2.exe" /f



    @echo off

    cmdow @ /hid

    set tagfile=%SystemDrive%\IE7.P2

    if exist %tagfile% goto RunInstall

    REM tag file not found

    REM Write the tag file

    echo Go finsh Internet Explorer 7 install >> %tagfile%

    REM And put file back in the RunOnce processes


    REM Exit running this script.

    goto Done


    cmdow @ /ren "Finish Internet Explorer 7 install"

    cmdow @ /vis

    REM Make IE7 install folder the default


    cd %SystemDrive%\OS_UPDATES\IE7

    REM Install IE7 HotFixes

    echo Installing HotFixes for Internet Explorer 7

    start /wait %SystemDrive%\OS_UPDATES\IE7\HotFix\IE7-WindowsXP-KB933566-x86-ENU.exe /passive /norestart /nobackup

    start /wait %SystemDrive%\OS_UPDATES\IE7\HotFix\IE7-KB929969-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe /passive /norestart /nobackup

    REM Move default out of the IE7 install folder.

    echo Setup next group of OS updates and applications to install

    start /wait %SystemDrive%\OS_UPDATES\RunNextInstallSet.exe 3

    REM Restart the system

    echo Restart system

    start %SystemDrive%\OS_UPDATES\restart.cmd

    REM Rmove IE7 files

    echo Delete Internet Explorer 7 install files

    cd %SystemDrive%\

    RD /Q /S %SystemDrive%\OS_UPDATES\IE7

    REM Delete tag file

    erase %tagfile%



    Hope that helps......

  4. that might stop users from changing there passwords

    So far I haven't been able to figure anything out - but in this case that would be good if it was only on that one account.

    Basically it's a user account I have creating from an OS install disk, it's sort of a "Special Purpose" account (not normally even logged in to, but used to run some programs that are also installed during the OS setup process, and using a program called sanur to pipe the password to the runas command in a batch file, that is compiled to a executable file to prevent getting it's PW just by reading a text file.).

    Basically I am trying to make it so it's not easy to mess with that account at all (no delete, no change PW, no disable, exc.) - BUT whatever it is, there has to be a way to do it programatically while the OS setup process is happening, so that the install disk will set it that way every time it is run (regardless of it's a complete install, or repair installation).

  5. Two things you could try - if you haven't allready.

    For buth attempts you need to extract all the files to a folder (I just use WinRAR for that, but I think there is a command-line switch to do this without any 3rd party software too).

    The first method I have used before, and beleive it or not has worked on some system that would not install it the "Normal" way).

    1.) Go in to the sub-folder updat of the folder you just extracted everything to.

    2.) Run iesetup.exe

    Second method, I have not personally tried, but have heard it works a lot of times

    1.) Go in to the sub-folder updat of the folder you just extracted everything to.

    2.) Run update.exe

    3.) restart your system.

    4.) go back in to that update Sub-Folder of the IE7 extracted files.

    5.) run xmllitesetup.exe.

    That's about all I can think of to even try.

  6. I know how to hide any user account from the WinXP welcome screen.

    But I would like to know if there is any way to prevent deleting a user account, at least with "standard" methods?

    What I mean is if it can be deleted, but to do it, you have to change a registry setting on something like that first, fine. I just want some way to stop you from simply going in to the user manager and deleting it.

  7. Well, in case anyone else was wondering - I got the answer FINALLY!

    Trouble was installing IE7. It Broke the RunOnceEx process - but there are updates for IE7 that fixes that problem, but the updates for some reason won't take until the system is restarted (and RunOnceEx is broken then). So I just put a batch command process in the RunOnce entry to install the IE7 updates, set the next group of RunOnceEx processes, and restart the system.

  8. I finally got past my piping issue by creating batch command files, and compiling them to executable files (using ghost mode) and run the .exe through RunOnceEx.

    HOWEVER - now I hit another problem.......

    I hit a point when - after installing a bunch of stuff, you MUST restart the system before continuing with other items I want to install.

    The problem is, the set to install after system restarts don't seem to run. But I see only the TITLE in RunOnceEx before the reboot - after reboot, all items are there, but no TITLE, and nothing has run!


    What is that all about, and how do I fix it?

  9. I am not quite sure what the idea of some of those SET statements are - but I didn't think they are the problem anyway.

    What I do see is the SET KEY line. I had the same problem a while back. It's looking for a key that dose not exist essentially, and if it dose create the key, it's not the one the OS is going to look at..

    for LOCAL_MACHINE entries what you want in the example is:

    SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx


    SET KEY=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

    It sounds stupid, but SOFTWARE is different than Software - that drove me crazy for the longest time to.

  10. Well, managed to get that to run using a different method - but that answered why the cmd /c is no good.... The point is to finish one process before starting the next - cmd /c execute the command, but dose not wait for it to finish before closing, making the app that called it, THINK the process has finished, when actually it just started!

  11. the problem with that solution was probably the addition of the extra quotes, which weren't necessary and if required would have needed escaping.

    This should have been fine

    REG ADD %KEY%01 /V 1 /D "cmd /c runas /u:Username filetorun | sanur password" /f

    Unfortunately not that easy - but at least I got the EXACT error this time:

    The format of the " sanur password" RunEx or RunOnceEx entry was invalid. A vertial bar

    ("|") is needed after the function name and the function needs to support WinMain()


    That's the message that just keeps popping up no matter how I try to put it in......

  12. I have tried ever thing I can think of, and did some searching online, still nothing!

    I am trying to use command piping with the RunOnceEx registry key, and it seems like no matter how I do it - I keep getting an error. :no:

    The basic idea is to make sure the installation programs are run as a specific user that was created during the OS setup process, and that account is hidden, and has a password set to it, but I have a program that will auto answer the password entry.

    Anyway the way to do this at the command prompt or inside a batch file is:

    runas /u:Username filetorun | sanur password

    But issue that same command using RunOnceEx and it complains.

    Any clue how to make this work?


  13. why do you guys think that ppl make viruses? it think that it is b/c they love the feel of accomplishing something very hard like hacking you system.

    Well, I have read most of the responces to this thread - and it looks like I basically need to give you a history lesson tin order to explain this.

    And (in my opion) comparing it to grafitti is totally unfair both to the "Virus wirter" and to the "grafitti artist".....

    See "grafitti" dose not nesicerily have to be bad - let me clarify, it is ALWAY wrong to apply pain to something that gose not belong to you, but not everyone that paints "grafitti dose that - all "grafitti" is is an unusual way way of expesing that persions artistic ability, sometimes this is done 100% legally, by some cities provideing a spesific place to do just that, if not availible, some even "Multi-color" their own car (and it actually looks good - un-usual, but good)

    But as for computer viruses, THE first one was very directed. I was written by a guy (forget his name) that worked for a rather large company in there computer department, and he fond out that he was going to be fired (several weeks befor it was actually done) and this he knew was going to occure just before christmas (and this person did celibrate that holiday, and had a wife and kids) so knowing this ahead of time (probibly thinking they are teal a**holes to let him go at that time) took the few weeks he had left, and spent any free time he had to write a program that would really mess them up onece he was gone (The only one that could stop it was him), but there the guy had I ligit grudge if you ask me, but once he was dome, he gave his code to other people.

    Unfortunately, once that code was released, it got in to the hands of Hackers (Well by true definition I am a hacker, but I refuse to do anything that would harm any one - I can, but ethically, I won't) and in was made "Better".

    Initally sll they really wanted to do is keep guys that didn't belong there out of there message boards, exc, Then later it turned in to a thing to show programming skills.

    But there are better ways of doing that and still get noticed,

    But that is the thing with most moderan virus writers, yes the use a fake name, like we all do, but they ALWAYS sign there work some how - basically, unlike the guy that did in to "Get even" with the companey that fired him at a bad tim, these people want to be noticed.

    I would almost go as far as stating if the news did not mention it, they would probibly stop (I said ALMOST, but that's not there only souce of recignition)

    Point is, they WANT to be noticed, that's the bottum line - acctually the worst thing you could do to these types of people is plain ignore/not make a big deal out of what they have done.

  14. Well mayby, not positive, havn't looked at your link yet.

    But I don't wish to stop any user from changing things once logged on (unless it's going to effect the whole system, if it's just there account that's fine) but I want certaint things as default....


    Just a quick pint HKCU is a virtual reg hive - it is a user but not a user..if you see what I mean - programatically its a nightmare as current (logged on ) user can change - if you want to affect all user or default user (profiles) then these are better areas to target...

    i think I'm talking the same thing here


  15. I know I probibly should have made a post here first, but I did not, I have already asked, and got answers to a few questions.

    But I am here now, AND just so there is no problem later I'll tell you right now, while my understaning of words is great (I know the meaning of a lot of words that most poeple do not use, at least not on a regular basis) my spelling stinks - badly! :(

    That is why I prefer to use some sort of spell checker BEFORE I post, but I also test things a lot (by disconnecting my main HD compleatly, and using one I have specifically for testing things - it has NO spelling tester on it (and I am online with it right now [the test HD]),

    What do I do for a living? - Pretty much whatever I can to make money... - Allow me to elaberate a bit - my TRUE perfission (went to school for it) is computer operations (but that delt with "main-frames" and no one uses them anymore), and currently I freelance for computer repair/upgrades - somtimes, even basically re-building the system (I have done exactly this a few times with my computer - but I recently had one where the guy wanted to keep all his HD's memory, exc., even the case - just change the system board, and processor - I managed to do it, but it took more that he really wanted [i warned him about that posibility to start with] - I was able to use all his old drives, and his case, BUT to make the system board he wanted work, I hand to change the Power Supply as well, and the memory has had would not work on his new system board [old = SDRAM new = DDR-RAM], but I contacted him each step of the way, and he agreed to everything - I still have it at my house, but all the work is paid for, just waiting for him to pick it up basically)

    But the "real" money I make is in real-estate. I like to buy houses that have either been forclosed on, or the owner is auctioning off - usually this type of property needs some repair (but I got real lucky a few times and got them good "as is") but usually the repairs are not too bad - you have to watch the area though - I recently could have gotten one for so cheap, I would have felt like I stole it, BUT it was in a town called "Baltimore City" in the state of "Maryland" (USA), and that after looking it up, is a "High-Crime area" - Violat Crimes (against people) is at 63% and crimes against property are at 75% in that area, so I just let it go, maybe one day I'll be willing to deal with property like that, but not today!

    Anyway, I also clean cars - but NOT like a "Car Wash" would. I actually take the time to vacume everything (including the seats) and not just clean it, but also armer-all the whole works, plus rain-X all the glass and even clean "under the hood".

    I have a lot of knowlage of electricity to, I actually re-wired the house I live in now, after rodents destroyed all the electrical wiring.

    Why don't I have an actual "JOB" with all this knowlage of verious things? - Well, for starters (most valid to me) I have tried, and every potential employer seems to want a "Drug-Test" - something I object to not because I have anything to hid, but because that sound too much like you are accusing me of something before you even know me that well, and besides, I really feel that (while I do not condone the activity) it's none of an employers business what you do when you are "off duty", AND EVEN IF a drug test showed positive, that only proves you used something, not when - and even that fact can be disputed (Some people have shown positive for narcottics after eating something containing poppy seeds)

    I just don't want the hastle, and besides, I really think I make more the way I am going., and I still have my privatecy for the most part. :)

  16. I don't really trust a "Repaired system" either, I just want to know it works (as stated, this is mainly for backing up data) but, I just want it to be posible - sinve I first started using PCs (Back before most people even knew what they were, and the "Internet" was only used by Governments, LARGE bussinesses, and hackers, Dialup only BBSes were common for the few that did have PCs, and there was no "Standard" Operating System (There were several availible at the time, and when you bought a computer, all you paid for is the hardware, the OS was a totally seerate purchase) I ALWAYS kept at least 2 copies of everything - but there are times when a few files may not be backed-up - especially if you run servers (as I do) like FTP, HTML, or the BIG one, Mail server.

    And that way may not be recomended, but it seems to work best for what I am attempting to do.

    Note: I also restore old cars as a hobby, and after an engine re-build, exc. they RARELY run well on "factory specs" - example the timing is almost always slightly off - set it to what the book says, it works, but not so great, move it slightly, runs great, and still passes a moderan inspection.....

    Same sort of deal I guess.....

    Well, after being told at wat point the HKCU tweaks should be put in, I did it using the precedure I told you about, AND (even though I did not need to, just as pointed out - testing things with a HD seperate from the one I actually use [dis-connect my main OS drive, and the test HD becomes Primary master [till dis-connected]) everything seems to wok fine

    Running it from SVCPACK.INF will work...it's just not the recommended way to do it.

    - I even created a new user account after a repair, all tweaks applied fine.

    Running a repair install doesn't recreate the Default User registry hive. You can verify this by checking the creation date/time (not modified) of the NTUSER.DAT in %SYSTEMROOT%\Documents and Settings\Default User\. A repair install is meant to get you back to a working version, not reset everything back to a default install state. Usually repair installs are used to get the system up long enough to backup files and then perform a reinstall. I personally don't trust a system that has had a repair install performed on it after a failure. The failure occurred for a reason. :)

  17. Well, after being told at wat point the HKCU tweaks should be put in, I did it using the precedure I told you about, AND (even though I did not need to, just as pointed out - testing things with a HD seperate from the one I actually use [dis-connect my main OS drive, and the test HD becomes Primary master [till dis-connected]) everything seems to wok fine - I even created a new user account after a repair, all tweaks applied fine.

    So, unless there is somthing radically differant between my base copy, and everyone elses...........

    Even the so called "RTM (Release To Manufactures)" version I just can't imagine being THAT differant!

    But the "$OEM$" fplder is another thing I am attempting to avoid (Using my own foled names just makes it easier [for my anyway] to know what is where if I wnat to modify it later)
    You don't have to put anything in the $OEM$ folder except for CMDLINES.TXT. This is the ONLY way to get HKCU tweaks to apply to all users automatically without creating a custom NTUSER.DAT.
    as for the srvpack.inf file not being executed during a "Repaire installation" - I say (it least with the version I have) It MUST be.   I say this because if it were not, the repaire would restore everything (except drivers, and third-party applications - or even MS APPs not included with the OS) to what the OS was before any updates at all were installed.   In my case that would mean even before SP1 (I have SP2 now, with all "Hotfixes" intergrated, and not from getting an updated copy, just intergrating SP2 + all hotfixes in to the on I have. - And since it is important to me, I tried "Restore Installation"  (I'm testing literaly with a HD I only use to test things, wile my main OS drive is compleatly disconected from my system) all the fixes and Service pack was there - that means it must have seen that file.....If mot, or repair, I think I would have gotten just Win XP Pre SP-1 and no hotfixes.....
    I'm pretty sure SVCPACK.INF isn't executed on a repair installation. A repair install simply loads the files back to their default state. If you're using a CD with SP2 integrated then it will load all system files back to their SP2 versions. You then have to run all hotfixes manually.

    And let's be honest...how many times are you actually having to perform repair installs? If the answer is "a lot" then you have other problems going on besides just worrying about avoiding $OEM$.

    Another fact is that with a proper unattended CD it can sometimes be just as quick to backup your favorites and documents (which can be avoided if you have a secondary hard drive) and run a quick unattended install.

    I haven't actually tried it, but I'm also pretty sure that you can still run a repair install on an installation that was installed from an Unattended CD. You just can't do it with the actual Unattended CD...you'd need another CD to boot from that doesn't have any unattended options set (i.e. it has no WINNT.SIF).

  18. Correct.  You can use CMDLINES.TXT without specifying anything in WINNT.SIF.  All  you need to do is have the file in $OEM$.


    The only command I have in my CMDLINES.TXT is .\Install.cmd.  I then created Install.cmd to do everything I wanted and put it in $OEM$ along with CMDLINES.TXT.  You can run your HKCU tweaks from here.

    But the "$OEM$" fplder is another thing I am attempting to avoid (Using my own foled names just makes it easier [for my anyway] to know what is where if I wnat to modify it later)

    as for the srvpack.inf file not being executed during a "Repaire installation" - I say (it least with the version I have) It MUST be. I say this because if it were not, the repaire would restore everything (except drivers, and third-party applications - or even MS APPs not included with the OS) to what the OS was before any updates at all were installed. In my case that would mean even before SP1 (I have SP2 now, with all "Hotfixes" intergrated, and not from getting an updated copy, just intergrating SP2 + all hotfixes in to the on I have. - And since it is important to me, I tried "Restore Installation" (I'm testing literaly with a HD I only use to test things, wile my main OS drive is compleatly disconected from my system) all the fixes and Service pack was there - that means it must have seen that file.....If mot, or repair, I think I would have gotten just Win XP Pre SP-1 and no hotfixes.....

  19. I know I can change this after install (using I THINK "TweakUI") but - I want to have have the Icons "My Documents", "My Computer", and "Internet Explorer" (AND leave "Recycle Bin" there too) on install.

    I'm almost positive this just takes a registry tweak, but everything I have found on the Internet (Including regedit.com) has NOT worked! :angry:

    So how do I accomplish this?

    And while I am at it, wile I don't want it now, how do I show "Other Icons" on the desktop (Like "My Network Places", "Administrative Tools", "Breif Case", exc.

  20. Run them from CMDLINES.TXT so that they're applied during the GUI part of setup.  HKCU registry tweaks applied at that time are applied to the Default User profile and therefore applied to every user who logs onto the system from then on.

    Thanks, although I do not use that file (CMDLINES.TXT) it still told my where to put them - see I wish to maintain the ability to "Repair an installation", I do still use the file "winnt.sif", but all I have in it is the "Product Key", I have not exparimented much with this file, but unough to know that specifing anything in the "[unattended]" section of this file will disable the "Repair an installation" function. (My drivers are installed via a "Patch" to the setup program and copied (actually un-compressed) to the root of the system drive in a batch file called "presetup.cmd").

    Instead of doing it through CMDLINES.TXT, I created a batch file called "prep.cmd" and place it in the folder "\i386\svcpack" then called it via the file "\i386\SVCPACK.INF" in the section "[setupHotfixesToRun]"

  21. On Tweaks to the registry that are specific to the user currently logged on to the operating system, dose anyone know of anyway to have the OS automatically run them for each indivisual user the first time that user account is used? Only I don't want to do this just on user accounts created during OS install - I am looking for it to just apply them the first time any user accout is used, reguardless of if the account was created durring OS install, or 2 years later.....

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