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  1. Another one of my little 7zip Installer .... it's for jv16PowerTools 2005 : 1. Make a command file named : setup.cmd : CMDOW @ /HID jv16pt_setup.exe /VERYSILENT /SP- license.exe 2. Make an Solid Rar archive with your license file put the path : jv16 Power Tools 2005 in the program files item 3. Put the followings files in a IsoBuster directory : License.exe -> the step 2 ... setup.cmd -> the step 1 ... jv16pt_setup.exe -> the installer compress this directory with 7zip (with Ultra compression mode). 4. Create a config.txt file with this code : ;!@Install@!UTF-8! RunProgram="setup.cmd" ;!@InstallEnd@! 5. copy the attached file 7zS.sfx in your directory (this file include the apps icon).You can change the icon with ResHacker. 7zS_jv16PowerTools.7z 6. type this last command in a command line : copy /b 7zS.sfx + config.txt + jv16PowerTools.7z jv16PowerTools.exe please make comments. ciao B)
  2. Total Commander 6.53 & A few plugins - MSI Installer Sorry, i have found some little error in the iss script ... so i have made a msi file ... Take the file here (9.9 Mo) : Total Commander 6.53 + a few Plug Ins The msi contains (7zipped) : Total Commander 6.53 a few plugins pre-installed (20 approximatly) all language pre-installed Shortcut : - in the quick launch - in the start - MSI uninstaller enabled My settings : you can modify the wincmd.ini file.If you delete this file ... the plugins will be disabled, but it's not forbidden to edit this file ! The french language is enabled by default. it's possible to pre-register Total Commander. You must copy your wincmd.key file in the msi -> use Adminstudio or another tool for edit the msi file ... In AdminStudio, edit the msi -> Organization -> components -> Folder_totalcmd -> add wincmd.key => you are pre-registered !! The silent switch : setup.msi /quiet Sorry for my english grammar ... sometimes she sucks .... please send me feedback ... Ciao ... B) Nonobis
  3. no problems without the reg file, the program is ok ! but there is a annoying registering popup ... the regfile is only for your apps settings and registering code. @+
  4. Another of my little 7zip Installer .... This is for IsoBuster 1.8. 1. Make a command file named : setup.cmd : CMDOW @ /HID @ECHO OFF REGEDIT /S regSettings.reg setup.exe /VERYSILENT TASKKILL /F /IM IsoBuster.exe 2. Extract the content of this registery key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Smart Projects] ... it's a reg file like this one, name this file : regSettings.reg Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Smart Projects] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Smart Projects\IsoBuster] .... many stuff ... .... [B] "ID1"="A_UNKNOW_STRING_YOUREMAIL" "ID2"="YOUR" "ID3"="SERIAL" "ID4"="ENCODED" "ID5"="IS" "ID6"="HERE" [/B] .... many stuff ... ... ID1 -> YOUR LOGIN ID2 to ID6 - >YOUR SERIAL ENCODED 3. Put the followings files in a IsoBuster directory : regSettings.reg -> the step 2 ... setup.cmd -> the step 1 ... setup.exe -> the installer compress this directory with 7zip (with Ultra compression mode). 4. Create a config.txt file with this code : ;!@Install@!UTF-8! RunProgram="setup.cmd" ;!@InstallEnd@! 5. copy the attached file 7zS.sfx in your directory (this file include the IsoBuster icon).You can change the icon with ResHacker. 7zS.7z 6. type this last command in a command line : copy /b 7zS.sfx + config.txt + IsoBuster.7z setup.exe please make comments. ciao B)
  5. Adware SE Plus 1.06 - 7zip switchless Installer My first 7zip Installer ... please be easy on me. This is for AdAdware 1.06 SE Plus and it's seven plugins. 1. Make a command file named : setup.cmd : CMDOW @ /HID setup.exe /S plfilespecs.exe /S pllspexplorer.exe /S ploemessenger.exe /S vx2cleaner_inst.exe /S plhexdump.exe /S plmessengerstop.exe /S pltweakse.exe /S 2. Put the followings files in a AdAware directory : setup.cmd -> command file setup.exe ->adadware setup file plfilespecs.exe -> plugins pllspexplorer.exe -> plugins ploemessenger.exe -> plugins vx2cleaner_inst.exe -> plugins plhexdump.exe -> plugins plmessengerstop.exe -> plugins pltweakse.exe -> plugins 3. 7zip the content of the directory in a AdAware.7z archive. (with Ultra compression mode) 4. Create a config.txt file with this code : ;!@Install@!UTF-8! RunProgram="setup.cmd" ;!@InstallEnd@! 5. copy the attached file 7zS.sfx in your directory (this file include the Adware icon). 6. type this last command in a command line : copy /b 7zS.sfx + config.txt + AdAware.7z setup.exe thanks many times for keytotime for his great [HOW TO]. please make comments. 7zS.7z
  6. i have extracted the msi and this switches ... REG ADD %KEY%\010 /VE /D "Google Picasa 2.0" /f REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\Google\picasa\Picasa2.msi /qb" /f it's working to me +
  7. Hello, my first ISS script .... Total Commander 6.53 , few free plugins and regkey ! it's an easy code but for a newbie in unattended xp cd as me ... it's cool ! -> i have allowed only the french language file and default file .... -> the settings file is in Total Commander directory Step for make the installer : -> Install Total Commander in C:\Program Files\totalcmd\, with setting files in folder app.Put your reg file wincmd.key, in your folder app. -> in a tempory dir, unzip the original install.Copy the Window and LANGUAGE directory in the C:\Program Files\totalcmd\ -> if you have plugins install then in a 'PlugIns' directory or use auto-install (wfx directory). -> run the ISS Script Code for RunOnceEx : cmdow @ /HID @echo off REG ADD %KEY%\019 /VE /D "Total Commander 6.53 + Plugins" /f REG ADD %KEY%\019 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\appz\Tcmd\setup /VERYSILENT" /f EXIT B) ciao totalcommander.iss
  8. Yahoo Great soft !
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