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Posts posted by neatan

  1. where do i put the final setup files? in the install folder? under $oem$

    When i added officx xp there was the following line in the cmd file

    %systemdrive%\install\Applications\OfficeXP\setup.exe which directed it to the setup file and in the nero cmd file there is no line that i can see which directs it to the setup.exe

    So i dont really know where to stick the nero setup file.

    this is just a guess would i stick it in %systemdrive%\install\Applications\

    ??????????? :}

  2. I have created a unattended version of windows xp with sp2 and office xp pro with front page im going to be burning it to a dvd so i have a heck of alot of space free Is there any way i can put the sims delux on the xpcd to install it when it installs windows?

    and i also need to put foxfire on there too.

    Any ideas.


  3. I edited both of the dll files which the guide says and when i launch WINNT32.EXE in wondows it shows my billboard which i created and all is well untill boot the cd or try using vierual pc.It just shows the normal billboard the original xp one.

    Also the final stage of this http://www.unattended.msfn.org/global/compress.htm

    Doesnt work the cmd says error file cannot be opened.

    expand.exe -r c:/XPCD/1386/winntbbu.dll

    it just wont work.

    the first 2 stages work.Where did i go wrong i got the path to the files right

    please help im sick of the plain old billboard.I want my doge viper one to work.

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