I actually have an update on my situation (for those who might want to play WoW but are stuck with dialup). I connect at 26.4 most of the time and 28.8 on those random special occasions.... Anywayz, I fired up the game yesterday evening and ....... it ran fine. Not a bit of lag. I did have a hell of a time buying something at the auction house, but that was because 40 other people were in there too... I didn't expect dialup to handle the splender of Orgrimmar. I have all my characters on a low pop server anywayz so that should help... yellow/green latency too, only got red latency at Org. Sooo.. yea, hollar at Assassinator and Killswifts, the next time you play WoW (if your on Boulderfist)!! **Horde 4 Life**