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About itdude59

  • Birthday 09/01/1984

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  1. Thanks much. Where did you grab that quote from? I would like to see the figures it refers to. Edit: Just googled and found the article
  2. I would like to know if their is a program that can keep track of when the computer's time has been changed. Our employees clock their time in and out on a PC and we suspect that a few may be changing the time back to fool the punch clock program. I've tryed "Clock Guard", it locks the clock from being changed but doesn't report attempts. If any of you guys know of a program, or place I can look in windows, I would appreciate the feedback. All of our pc's with the puch in/out software are XP Pro, btw.
  3. In our company we clock in and out using a simple little program on a pc. The time on the "virtual clock" program syncs with the windows system clock. How can i lock the windows clock to where an employee can't just change the time and make his/her own hours. We are having a problem with that at one of our locations.. I have found a few trial programs, but would appreciate any advice to just remove the clock all together or password protect it somehow. Title Edited - Please follow new posting rules from now on. --Zxian
  4. Also make sure your broadband connection is set as the default connection. Or at least your existing dial-up connection is NOT set as the default. (under Network Connections in the Control Panel)
  5. Do the programs you use that look to this mapped drive, originate on the mapped drive? If they do then what I have had to do before is create a shortcut to said program on the desktop(or where ever), and under the shortcuts properties, put the drive letter one space after the target. ie. "O:\Folder\Program.exe O" I have no idea why this makes it work.. but it does in some instances Tell me if i understood your problem right:)
  6. I actually have an update on my situation (for those who might want to play WoW but are stuck with dialup). I connect at 26.4 most of the time and 28.8 on those random special occasions.... Anywayz, I fired up the game yesterday evening and ....... it ran fine. Not a bit of lag. I did have a hell of a time buying something at the auction house, but that was because 40 other people were in there too... I didn't expect dialup to handle the splender of Orgrimmar. I have all my characters on a low pop server anywayz so that should help... yellow/green latency too, only got red latency at Org. Sooo.. yea, hollar at Assassinator and Killswifts, the next time you play WoW (if your on Boulderfist)!! **Horde 4 Life**
  7. Yea.. It may be well documented somewhere, how terrible dial-up connections are with mmorpgs, namely WOW. But I just wanted to see if anyone has actually or does actually play WOW on dial-up. The reason I want to know, is because I'm getting my account un-frozen.. and... I now live in an area that doesnt have ANY high speed internet... Even dial-up connects (on a good day) at 28.8.... Point is... I used to rock cable, but... now, not so much. I would appreciate hearing any feedback or similar stories of misfortune... might make me feel better btw .... WOW's official site says 56k or better.. thats why im curious about good ol' 28.8
  8. Redneck July or February !!??!
  9. Hey, I didn't check it out but www.gamewinners.com is a good place to go. It has every game i've ever looked for. *edit* Um, I just checked it out and it has the very same thing that was posted earlier.. my bad ;)
  10. I had a very similar problem a few weeks ago.. check this out http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...34entry389934 maybe it will help **This one too http://www.windowsnetworking.com/articles_...erver-2003.html **
  11. \ backslash my bad:(
  12. First make a share on your server called profiles. Then you go to "active directory users and computers" find the user Dean and right click properties and click the profile tab, then under "profile path" put //server/profiles/dean. ("server" being what ever your server's name is. ). This worked for me.. You may have already tried this though **Try getting rid of the "dean" folder in the profiles share.. I think it makes one when you put the path in the active directory**
  13. I'll just get a 7800 GTX and a SLI mobo. I'll buy the other 7800 when I get the money.... And then my friends.. I will be well on my way to a decent pc;)
  14. lol, kewl.. thx man!!
  15. Ahh... Would the single 7800gt perform better than the dual 6600's??
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