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Everything posted by dbareis

  1. As you didn't say how the XCOPY, or other deployment occurs or to what directory (and why) or what policies are in place its not possible to answer, however for a freeware tool which build MSI you could have a look at the MAKEMSI tool.
  2. Hi, You could write a MAKEMSI script which will simply grab whatever files are in the current directory (notepad.exe etc). Reuse the same script for other similar installers. Bye, Dennis
  3. I suspect the "/R" option on the command is incorrect (regular expression), in any case that returned zero results, here is the full results: USB\VID_109C&PID_0101\6&24399FA7&0&2 : ETS Keypad USB\VID_109C&PID_0101\6&2C963643&0&2 : ETS Keypad USB\VID_109C&PID_0101\6&36F3504C&0&2 : 'Krypto-810' USB\VID_109C&PID_0200&MI_01\7&108D9350&0&1 : 'Krypto-810 Keyboard' USB\VID_109C&PID_0200&MI_01\7&27A9B6A3&0&1 : ETS Keyboard USB\VID_109C&PID_0200&MI_01\7&BF2651B&0&1 : ETS Keyboard 6 matching device(s) found. The reason I didn't label the file (although I did think of this) was that the two inf files are very similar and I assumed there would be a simple generic solution. It was "etskb.inf". Thanks, Dennis Bareis
  4. The Keyboard is specialised and I know of no web page where you can get details or download drivers (I had to logon to a server), the files in the source are: 810coinst.dll 810UI16.DLL etschkrd.sys etschkrdr.dll etschkrdr2k.sys etskb.inf etskp.inf pcsccr.slt pcsccremv.slt pcscemv.slt sxl810u.sys sxl810u2k.sys tablelet.slt One of the INF's contents is: [Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" Class=SmartCardReader ClassGuid={50DD5230-BA8A-11D1-BF5D-0000F805F530} Provider=%etskb.Provider% DriverVer=01/15/2003, [Manufacturer] %etskb.Manufacturer%=etskb [ClassInstall32] AddReg=etskb.AddClassReg [etskb] %etskb.DeviceDesc%=etskb.Install,USB\VID_109C&PID_0200&MI_01 [etskb_EventLog_Inst] AddReg=etskb.AddEventLogReg [SourceDisksNames] 1=%etskb.DriverDiskName%,"",1 [SourceDisksFiles] etschkrdr2k.sys=1 etschkrd.sys=1 pcsccr.slt=1 810coinst.dll=1 810ui16.dll=1 [PreCopySection] HKR,,NoSetupUI,,1 [DestinationDirs] etskb.CopyFiles = 10,system32\drivers; WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS etskb.CopyFilesNT = 10,system32\drivers; WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS smartlet.copyfiles = 10,system32\drivers etskb16.CopyFiles = 10,system ; WINDOWS\SYSTEM etskb.CopyCoInstallerFiles =10,system32; WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 [etskb.INSTALL] CopyFiles=etskb.CopyFiles, smartlet.copyfiles, etskb16.CopyFiles AddReg=etskb.AddReg, etskb.AddRegLoader [etskb.AddClassReg] HKR,,,,%etskb.ClassName% HKR,,ReaderName,0,%etskb.ReaderName% [etskb.AddRegLoader] HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern HKR,,NTMPDriver,,etschkrd.sys HKR,,EnumPropPages,,"810ui16.dll,EnumPropPages" [etskb.AddRegLoader.NT] HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern HKR,,NTMPDriver,,etschkrdr2k.sys [etskb.AddReg] HKR,VID_109C&PID_0200,ShortProviderName,0,%etskb.ShortProvider% HKR,VID_109C&PID_0200,ReaderName,0,%etskb.ReaderName% HKR,VID_109C&PID_0200,PCSCSmartlet,0,%10%\system32\drivers\pcsccr.slt HKR,VID_109C&PID_0200,LUTSmartlet,0,%10%\system32\drivers\tablelet.slt HKR,VID_109C&PID_0200,RemoteWakeUp,0x00010001,1 [etskb.CoInstallers_AddReg] HKR,,CoInstallers32,0x00010000,"810coinst.dll, CoDeviceInstall" [etskb.CopyCoInstallerFiles] 810coinst.dll etschkrdr.dll [etskb16.CopyFiles] 810ui16.dll etschkrdr.dl [smartlet.copyfiles] pcsccr.slt pcsccremv.slt tablelet.slt [etskb.INSTALL.NT] CopyFiles=etskb.CopyFilesNT, smartlet.copyfiles [etskb.INSTALL.NT.Services] AddService = etskb,0x00000002,etskb_Service_Inst,etskb_EventLog_Inst [etskb_Service_Inst] ServiceType = 1;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 3;%SERVICE_AUTO_START% ErrorControl = 1;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\etschkrdr2k.sys AddReg=etskb.AddReg [etskb_EventLog_Inst] AddReg=etskb.AddEventLogReg [etskb.INSTALL.NT.CoInstallers] CopyFiles = etskb.CopyCoInstallerFiles AddReg =etskb.CoInstallers_AddReg [etskb.AddEventLogReg] HKR,,EventMessageFile,0x00020000,"%%SystemRoot%%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll;%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\etschkrdr2k.sys" HKR,,TypesSupported,0x00010001,7 [etskb.CopyFiles] etschkrd.sys [etskb.CopyFilesNT] etschkrdr2k.sys [Installer] Windows=400 ;---------------------------------------------------------------; [Strings] etskb.Provider="Electronic Trade Solutions Ltd" etskb.Manufacturer="ETS" etskb.DeviceDesc="ETS Keyboard" etskb.ClassName="Smart Card Readers" etskb.DriverDiskName="Installation Diskette" etskb.ShortProvider = "ETS" etskb.ReaderName="Keyboard"
  5. Hi, I've been looking everywhere on MSDN, this site and googling web/groups and can't find the info. Most people who use words like "update" seem to mean install. What I have previously installed is some plug and play drivers placed into a directory mentioned in the registry at "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DevicePath". Now I have updated drivers from a vendor with no installation instructions (just .inf + others). I should also mention the vendors are not helping any... I gave "SetupCopyOEMInf.exe" but it didn't do much, I'm guessing it simply eliminates the need to add to the "DevicePath" registry entry. I know simply updating the source directory and rebooting or any other obvious thing doesn't work. Whatever the solution is it has to be completely automated and will be run from the system account. I do know hacking the DLL+other files (in "c:\winnt" tree) does work but this is not a "nice" (or safe) way. There has to be a "correct" way, any ideas? Thanks for any help, Dennis
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