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Everything posted by iluvjacob

  1. All is well!! Thank you all for your knowledge and patience!!
  2. Chilifrei & Jasinwa, I must be in the wrong forum because it seems like you're both speaking a completely different language than the one I speak. Jasinwa, what is a dos box? Chilifrie, what is a recovery console, a BartPE, and how do I unmount anything? The only two things I've ever unmounted in my life have been one very large horse that I, belatedly, realized I was deathly afraid of, and my husband, who isn't that scary . Regardless, I need some advice in newbie language. Can you help in a step-by-step fashion? If not, where do I look? Thanks!!
  3. Everytime I try to run Disk Defrag I get this error: "Disk Defragmenter has detect that Chkdsk is scheduled to run on volume: (C:). Please run Chkdsk /f." First of all, I don't know how to run a Chkdsk /f. Secondly, each time I restart my computer, Chkdsk runs, but in read-only format. It runs until part 2 of 3 then states that there is a problem with /f and stops running. How do I change Chkdsk out of read-only mode? What do I do??! :angrym:
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