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  1. thenx m8s
  2. hilo y all i ned help i formated my 200 giga hd by mistake not full format quick format end sett up on this hd 200 giga winxpsp2 is it chance thet i wel Recover the formated file ther is a progrem or do no help me pleas i m totly lost thenx
  3. hilo y alll ok my win xp crahsd end i have to restart the pc after id did this i lost dath on my c hard drive befor the crash it was 20 giga in use end after the crash it was 16 gigh in use i think thet i lost data end i did run scan disk end nothing help pleas thenx ps sory for my english
  4. hilo how to stop or disable the erorr in windows 98 icq erorr explorer erorr ther is a way to do it ? thenxx
  5. somtime it straight away or after 2 menet ther is no driver win xp otomtcly detectd the cam
  6. hilo end thenx foor the reply it hapens only if the digital cam is conected to the usb
  7. hilo i need help blue screen erorr irql not less or eqwal end memory being dumped this is mu pc amd 64bit 3000 nvidia fx 6200 gigabyte k8 triton bord memory 1 gigh dual 512 x2 hard drive 120 gigh eide 80 gigh eide thenx
  8. loke n stop or zone alrme
  9. hilo a big love frome israel p.s sexy forum
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