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Everything posted by hakr007

  1. np if anyone else can help thoug it would be greatly appreciated
  2. plz help. this is the only thing keeping this disc from working
  3. OK, I followed the tutorial on tech-hints.com and now i'm really stuck whenever i go to boot the setup(s) refuse to boot heres teh ext section in my autoexec(s). what's wrong with them? win 98: :EXT LH %ramd%:\MSCDEX.EXE /D:mscd001 /L:%CDROM% echo. cls echo Now Installing Windows 98 SE echo. echo Loading... path=%RAMD%:\;a:\;%CDROM%:\WIN98SE\ SETUP.EXE echo. goto QUIT win NT: :EXT LH %ramd%:\MSCDEX.EXE /D:mscd001 /L:%CDROM% LH SMARTDRV.EXE /q echo. cls echo Now Installing Windows NT 3.1 echo. echo Loading... path=%RAMD%:\;a:\;%CDROM%:\NT31\ WINNT.EXE /B echo. goto QUIT Please Help ME. -matt
  4. i tried doing it but i'm still confused could someone post a directorylist or something? and how would i do it with the floppy editions? thanks! -matt
  5. hi, I'm new and building a multiboot cd. i HAVE read FlyAKite's tutorial but i'm kinda in a tight spot. the OSes i'm including are: win 3.0 win 3.11 win 3.1 win 95A Floppy ED. win 95b Floppy Ed. win 98FE Floppy win 98SE floppy win nt 3.1 win nt 3.5 WFW 3.1 WFW 3.11 now heres my question(s). 1. for the 98's how would i go about doing it using the floppy edition? 2 how would i do it for 95 and 3.x? 3. any other tutorials to read? Thanks much! -matt
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