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Everything posted by Man974

  1. I am in the course of creation of Addon of Windows Live Messenger 8.0.0812.00 under the same model of that of dgelwin (Info Here). But the problem is that I do not have all the keys of the base of register. I ask for the possibility to you of of providing me all the keys of the live base of register of Windows Live Messenger 8.0.0812.00 or of advising me on the best software which can provide them to me. In advance thank you for your assistance. Cordially Man974
  2. Hello Ulysse34 Y aura t-il une mise à jours des correctifs ou alors tu arrêtes les frais ?
  3. Bravo, Super boulot et MERCI ulysse34 pour tout tes correctifs windows
  4. Thank you vey much
  5. Hello, I search the possibility to have an example of script NSIS for thunderbird because I have a problem to create a silent personalized installation. Thank you for your possible answers Cordially Man974
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