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Everything posted by ledzepfan32

  1. Ya, today it asked me if i wanted to update to the newest version of firefox, and i did, so thats good, and just now, as you advised, dl'd realplayer, and earlier today i dl'd wmp and winamp. I have all of the stuff i think i need, but still nothing. is there a way that i can like tell firefox which player to use, or do i do that in the player itself, or is that completely the wrong idea, anyways, still wont work, any other ideas? lol thanks, -Brad
  2. Hello, i dont know if this is in the right category, so dont get mad. I use Mozilla Firefox, as referred by a friend, and its quite nice. I do, however, have a problem that gives me the message "Cannot Create DirectShow Player" and has "nspdplay" in the titlebar. This happens on pages like myspace's where people have videos or on any website that has a video on it. I use my regular IE on the same pages, no pop-up notification, but nothing plays. Any ideas/help would be great. Thanks, Brad.
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