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Everything posted by sugar2

  1. yes intel have a Intel ProSet sofware wich do the configuration... thanks!
  2. Hi, Its well knowed than some OS's are LACP (802.3ad) ebaled such as Solaris, etc.. but after googling i didnt find any information about windows 2003. Is it possible to configure multiple NIC's to be one single virtual NIC for LACP purposes?, and what kind of modes are available for windows 2003 (round-robin, 802.3ad, failover, etc)? NOTE: If you think this is the wrong forum for post this please advice me... Thanks in advance.. Aldo
  3. This is the scneario, i have a unix samba share in my network, there are all the office stuff, including a share to a Ms access database wich its accessed from many windows clients. Now i need to access that ms access database from http, so i installed apache+php in a windows server in the same workgroup, i did succesfully test when the ms access database was on the local windows server, but once i tried with the database in the actual server it didnt worked, i found few scripts in google about odbc, ole, and dsn-less connections, all of them worked when database resides in the local machine, but don work when database is in the actual unix samba share. This is the script used with local machine test: //$db_connstr = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=". realpath("\\\\POS-SERVER\C$\om\xxafta.mdb") ." ;DefaultDir=". realpath("\\\\POS-SERVER\C$\om"); this is the script used for samba share, it didnt work: //$db_connstr = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=". realpath("\\\\nas1\workware\OrderManager\xxafta.mdb") ." ;DefaultDir=". realpath("\\\\nas1\workware\OrderManager"); What can I do? any adcvices will be apreciated/.
  4. HI, i have a dsn less connection to a ms access database with php. Im using this connection script, but actually the database is not in the program dir, it is in the network drive y:\ $db_connstr = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=". realpath("Crafta.mdb") ." ;DefaultDir=". realpath("."); Im trying to do like this: with no results... $db_connstr = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=". realpath("y:\Crafta.mdb") ." ;DefaultDir=". realpath("y:"); Also I tried this with no results: realpath("\\nas1\workware\OrderManager\Crafta.mdb") and yes, its in the same workgroup... NOte: The \\nas1 its a unix shared dir, not a windows share Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi, we purchased a DVR (digital video recording, its called EyeMax) system and it comes with a WebServer, then it supposly we can access to the cameras views from a url. When i launch the url of the server it says that windows has blocked that content because is untrusted, then i signed the .cab file of the web server according this procedure: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q247257/ After windows is still blocking the concents since it is issued by root and windows cannot validate it. How can i do? Should i pay $499 for buy a verisign sign in order to validate a .cab file of a sofware that i already purchased? Thanks in advance
  6. hi, maybe this is offtopic, but where can I download the office97 ? thanks
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