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  1. Hi, I have had this problem only once and it was related to the exe-file-association in the registry. A very well solution is offered at: http://windowsxp.mvps.org/exefile.htm Problem: How do you start regedit.exe when you cannot start any exe-file? A solution is creating a .reg-file that preforms the needed actions for you, since you can still run these files (hopefully ). How to create your own .reg files. Applying .reg files is useful, but best of all, you could create your own .reg files. Here is how you can do it 1. Launch Regedit (Start, Run, Regedit) 2. Navigate to the area of the registry you are interested in. 3. Select File (menu), Export and save as .reg file. 4. Note: Export Range at the bottom of the diagram and choose: Selected Branch. Do this for the required strings on a WORKING PC, and you have yourself a regfile that corrects the errors in your registry. Of course you can also try to use a external regeditor as ditributed with Norton Rescue discs I think, but this requires the right software. CU, atakar
  2. Hi, I have had this problem only once and it was related to the exe-file-association in the registry. A very well solution is offered at: http://windowsxp.mvps.org/exefile.htm Problem: How do you start regedit.exe when you cannot start any exe-file? A solution is creating a .reg-file that preforms the needed actions for you, since you can still run these files (hopefully ). How to create your own .reg files. Applying .reg files is useful, but best of all, you could create your own .reg files. Here is how you can do it 1. Launch Regedit (Start, Run, Regedit) 2. Navigate to the area of the registry you are interested in. 3. Select File (menu), Export and save as .reg file. 4. Note: Export Range at the bottom of the diagram and choose: Selected Branch. Do this for the required strings on a WORKING PC, and you have yourself a regfile that corrects the errors in your registry. Of course you can also try to use a external regeditor as ditributed with Norton Rescue discs I think, but this requires the right software. CU, atakar
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