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Everything posted by Geoffw

  1. I formatted and reinstalled win98 in order to get rid of some crashing problems and those pesky ghost bars showing up on the taskbar. My reinstall solved it, I updated a few system drivers and runtime files myself. No more phantom rectangles on the taskbar after closing programs and screensavers and it ran smooth since, for a few weeks. I found your service pack and thought it would save me time as I figured updating some more stuff would be better. The only two things I installed was the "Main" pack and the "Performance" tweak. Now it seems to overall slow down the system and the phantom rectangles are back again. Can your service pack be removed and the system put back in the state it was before? What does your "performance" tweak do besides the vcache? And will the Item in the add and remove list really remove your service pack? Too bad the service pack doesn't have a per item sub-list for the Main section. I'd like to isolate what causes these ghost bars accumlating on the taskbar.
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