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Posts posted by flynntargart

  1. humm worst ever eh... I was installing a video card in my old computer at the house, and forgot to unplug it - I was being lazy and not totally unhooking it, but naturally I unplug it when I do that... usually... hey it's on old POS :angel .. I accidentally kneed the case (it's an old HP) which caused the system to power up. And while that's not very good, it gets worse, I was also on the cell with my buddy, (at this point I should explain that I was laying under my desk, too lazy to completely disconnect the system :whistle: and was holding the phone with my shoulder, while trying to cram my head and the card under the case to see the slot in the riser card) and when the system kicked I up jumped a little... and my cell antenna got eaten by the CPU fan and I lost a computer and a phone in the same stupid mistake... :blushing::thumbup:ph34r:

  2. I would also vote for a second option at nLite start up. Instead of right away picking an xp install to work on, it would be way cool if you could load nLite up on one of your other PCs and in the main menu click 'gather drivers' and be able to select either by folder or per driver (like you can now) all or some of the drivers on the system, then hit a 'package' button or something and have nLite spit out a cab file that you could put on a usb key and load via nLite's regular driver add page on the system you re building your image on.

    that would be great for those of us using nLite with more than one system, cause that way you know for sure you've got every drive that a system needs.

  3. I have a small problem, and it's nothing I couldn't solve manually, but frankly, that sucks.

    I'm building an unattended for some of the random systems in the office that the general image I built can't be used with, and for clean installs of out of office use computers.

    I've installed driver pack after driver pack, and that has helped, but I was wondering if there is stand alone program that can collect drivers in a similar manner as nLite's ability to find all the drivers in a given folder, and then output a zip or a cab file that I can then use in nLite?

    Thx! B)

  4. Thanks for the idea Jaus, I googled changing hard drives via upgrade and I found a few articles like this one: http://www.michaelstevenstech.com/moving_xp.html

    They seem to suggest that you can transfer the entire drive, then reactivate, which is great (of course after imaging cause i'm thinking it's a little risky).

    I don't know how viable this is, but I'll post my results (I'm going to test it this weekend on one of my pc's) if anyone else has any input that would be wonderful.


  5. Thanks for the reply!

    I was looking at the file transfer tool, and I think I might end up using it for a few systems.

    I would really like to find a program that could also transfer the programs installed on the system, if this is even possible under XP, along with registry information and most importantly the user accounts / information.

  6. Hey guys, just a quick question here.

    I'm a new admin at a small office here at my campus, and we've got some new pc's on the way. Go end of the year money!

    Anyway, the new pc's will be replacing a few peoples computers, and those computers replace the older and so on.

    I need to get them set up for our office, the problem being that we do a lot of different things, and everyone needs something different on his/her computer, so a standard image isn't any more practical than setting each one up and spending hours configing it. And of course there is the matter of personal files and settings for each persons computer :S On top of that, everyone is really excited to get the new computers and I work in the office with the ‘higher-ups’ if you will, so thanks to office politics there is that added pressure. The last admin didn't have any kind of deployment... anything... setup, or at least didn't leave any documentation :wacko: and we really don't have the resources for that anyway, on top of which, I'm a part time student, so time is a major issue.

    I've been searching and found a few things that I think will help, but more knowledge is better, I was hoping someone here could point me in the right direction of a tool or article to read that would help me streamline (and automate as much as possible) this transfer. Ideally something like the Mac OSX startup wizard would be wonderful (you know that little guy that asks you to plug in your old computer via fire wire then it copies all your programs and settings over to the new pc, god that thing is great)

    Thanks guys :thumbup

  7. Is this program on sourceforge or anything? I would really like to get it, but My ISP has been blocked, and (i can only assume because my ISP is my uber-paranoid university) I am unable to get a proxy tool (tried switchproxy and tor) to work :realmad:

    I would love to get a copy of this project, is there any other mirrors or means by which I could download this program :(

  8. Hey all, first off, I think it's really cool that Gurgelmeyer is building this project, it's a good idea to have everything in one easy to load SP.

    I was wondering if anyone had it mirrored anywhere. Whenever I try to dl it I get this "Something Went Wrong!"


    ~ Flynn

  9. I finally got permision to use my companies MSDN subscription and set up a test box at the office to play with Vista. But I've been told to install it on a VPC to test on, before I get to format a computer.

    Anywho, I'm not very impressed with the installer. It's clean and all, but it seems very slow. In the first portion of the setup, with the large progress bar at the bottom, I could set my mouse on the bar, and not moving the pointer, use it as a refrence point to make sure it was still running.

    But after the reboot, it comes up to a screen that simply says:

    Completing installation... Do not restart your computer during this time.
    . My pointer is now an hour glass, and the progress bar at the bottom is no longer a complete bar (i'm assuming) but a smaller bar that is very quickly moving.

    However, the bar has been going from 0 to 100% at about the same rate, for the better part of two hours, with no visable changes to any other element of the screen. No new text, no new pointer, nothing.

    Should I call this frozen? wait it out? I'm lost here, so far I'm about 3 hours (from boot to now) into install, is this normal?


    Host - WinXP Pro SP2, 1.5gig ddr, 1.5gig AMD

    VPC - build 582, 512 ram, high CPU priority

  10. Ooops, newb error, my bad :blushing:

    It comes up with can not load setupdd.sys, Error code 7, press any key to restart.

    I did double check that the file is in the ERD1/system32/ dir where is should be, and that my ISO didn't change the name to setupdd.sy_ as has been reported by some people's posts I have read.


  11. So I've got this -almost- working...

    All the tools from UBCD work just fine, I've gone through the menu and loaded them all. And the UBCD4Win tools load just fine too.

    Next I wanted to add ERD because... well I we have a copy at the shop and it makes sence to have all the programs we use on one disk... and it's a fun challenge.. :thumbup

    I have the UBCD4Win in the I386 folder and it works just fine, ERD is in ERD1. I've hex edited all the required files accourding to flyakite's website, and used mkisofs to build my ISO accourding to the instructions on the UBCD4Win website. I'm pretty sure that the disk isn't corrupt seeing as how the other stuff on it works...

    My ERD1/TXTSETUP.SIF & SETUPLDR.BIN are in caps ;) ( I changed that after getting the NTLDR error and finding info on this forum )

    I have ERD1.DAT ( The one from flyakite's dl page - I double checked it with a hex editor, everything looks good ) and my License.txt and whatnot from the ERD disk root in the ISO root.

    The only think I can think of is that some people have been saying its hardware.. so:

    I'm running the ISO in VPC 2004 build 582

    But I've tested loading my ERD disk in my cd-drive and capturing drive E: in my Win2k VPC, and it loads ERD just fine...

    At this point I feel like tossing my pc out a window and taking up art classes or something :no:

    If anyone has any ideas I'll be your buddy forevers and evers :D

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