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About CedricMordrin

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  1. Is there a way to allow the user to change the workgroup/domain w/o editing the INI file?
  2. Thank you, this should be most helpful, and yes...the password change is too simple, prolly why I forgot about that.
  3. I've spent the better part of a week making and tweaking an unattended XP install. Everything seems to be working except changing the resolutions for the "Classic Style Setup Billboard" and when it logs in for the first time. I folloed the MSFN guide. Also I added a custom wallpaper to the classic billboard and it's not showing, and I assume that it's b/c the resoloution isn't changing. This is all being tested in a VMWare image. The one time I ran it on a real machine (only had the first login res changed) it worked. But has never worked in the VMWare image. So any thoughts or experience would be appreciated. As part of my batch file that runs the silent app installs, I'd like to have it prompt the user for the computer name, workgroup, and if possible admin pasword. Anybody have a way to get this to work? Thank's in advance, I've learned alot so far.
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