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Everything posted by timidbull

  1. AHA!!! Got it. Thanks for the help everyone. Between all of your help and suggestions I got it figured out. It was being recognized by WinRAR, so I mistook it for a .zip file. Then I realized I had both tried to burn a "bootable disc" and the files I had opened from the mistaken .zip file. I finally located the .iso file when trying to burn image. Finally got it to work!!! WOOOHOOOHOOOO!! Thanks again
  2. Hmmm, I am using Winrar, and it does appear to be an archive. So I just take that file and burn that file to the disk instead of opening it? Also when I use Nero to burn an image, the file I downloaded does not even show up as a compliant nero image file. I downloaded it from the Microsoft win64 trial software page. Do I need to get winrar to stop associating itself with it?
  3. when I downloaded I got a .zip file, when opened there were a bunch of file to be extracted...should I not have opened the .zip file?
  4. I think I did make a bootable disc. When I try to "burn image" it won't allow me to. Will it work if I just "make a data disc" and copy all the files?
  5. ABit NF8 mobo AMD Athlon 64 3000 1Gig OCZ PC3200 (2x512k) ATI 9800pro Sound Audigy Platinum Maxtor 160/80/80 Hard drives Sony DVD/RW
  6. I burned all the files of XP64 from the trial download. I just downloaded it today, so I guess the final. I don't know. If it matters... ABit mobo AMD Athlon 64 3000 1Gig OCZ PC3200 (2x512k) ATI 9800pro Sound Audigy Platinum Maxtor 160/80/80 Hard drives Sony DVD/RW
  7. I burned the ISO image onto a disc using Nero, when I went to boot up my computer, I got a message when it started to boot from CD "EM386: warning: Address line A20 already enabled" Anyone have any idea what this is? I thought maybe I got a bad DL or burn, so I redownloaded and reburned and still same message. Anyone know? Thanks
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