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Fernando 1

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Everything posted by Fernando 1

  1. Yes! You should integrate all needed nForce chipset drivers and - if you use a NVIDIA graphic adapter - the last WHQL-certified Forceware driver at once. When you have unzipped the 6.70 chipset driver package, you have the following folders: AudioDrv, AudioUtl, Ethernet, IDE and SMBus. After having integrated the IDE\WinXP\LEGACY subfolder (or the SATARAID + extra files) as textmode, you should integrate the other nForce4 chipset drivers as PnP. Not the easiest, but the safest method to integrate the different chipset drivers is the "single driver" option. Just point nLite - one after the other - to the AudioDrv, Ethernet and SMBus folder and integrate in each case any (doesn't matter which) INF file of the different folders. If you have done it this way, you get automaticly all needed nForce4 chipset drivers installed by your nLited XP CD.Additionally you should integrate the NVIDIA Forceware driver 84.21. Before you can do it, you have to unzip the EXE file by using WinRar or WinZip. As I have written above, you should integrate the Ethernet folder to get the nVLAN drivers installed by using the nLited CD. Don't do any file or folder mixture! The sequence of my guide concerning the transfer of some files into the SATARAID subfolder instead of just taking the LEGACY subfolder is only for purists or people, who had problems with the easy LEGACY subfolder integration of the nForce SataRaid drivers. The integration of TEXTMODE and PnP drivers is done in a similar way. The difference is the method to enforce the installation of not or not correctly digitally signed mass storage controller drivers. If you are using the CD Creator, all files of the driver subfolder are copied and usable for Windows setup (as with nLite), but additionally you have the possibility to enhance the installation of a critical textmode driver by flag him as "bad" controller driver. After having done this, the "bad" controller driver is something like "privileged" during the later OS install.
  2. What you probably need, if you want to integrate the newest nForce Raid drivers, is a RAID BIOS version 4.84 or higher. There is only one single method used by nLite (it's the "Driver suppression method"). If you want to test the other method (called "OemInfFiles method") you should use the tool CD Creator. What you certainly mean are the different ways to integrate the needed driver files. If you have an nVRaid BIOS v. 4.84 or higher, I recommend the easiest way by integrating the LEGACY subfolder of the nForce chipset package v. 6.70. The nForce SataRaid driver integration method I have desribed in my first post is approved on nearly every mainboard with an nForce Raid controller. If users have problems with my guide unless they have all done what I have written, this is mostly due to a hardware problem which has to be solved first.My suggestion: Try to install Windows XP by F6/floppy method. Before you do that, copy the content of the IDE\WinXP folder of the old nForce chipset driver package v. 6.53 onto a formatted floppy disk. If you don't have a floppy drive, create a new nLited CD and do nothing else but integrate the just mentioned SataRaid driver files as TEXTMODE driver. Burn the ISO and try to install XP this way. If the installation fails even by doing this safe way, you have a hardware problem. Good luck! Fernando
  3. You can take them, because they have a LEGACY subfolder. Just integrate this folder as TEXTMODE driver. Thank you for the post. As a consequence I have just added these drivers to my guide (first post of this thread). CU Fernando
  4. As I am not an expert in TXTSETUP.SIF, I am not sure, that I can give you a satisfactory answer.The first step during the Windows Setup is the detection of the mass storage devices. If you want do avoid F6/floppy method, you have to integrate these unknown drivers (in this case the drivers NVATABUS.SYS and NVRAID.SYS) as textmode drivers. During the first (=TEXTMODE) part of the installation Windows Setup does not look into the driver folders (i386\NLDRV subfolders), but only into the TXTSETUP.OEM and some entries of the TXTSETUP.SIF (not the one you mentioned). The needed mass storage controller drivers (only the SYS files) have to be in the root of i386. Otherwise Setup would not find them. During the second (=GUIMODE) part Windows Setup looks again into TXTSETUP.SIF, but now it uses all NLDRV driver subfolders. That is the reason, why you find the compressed drivers NVATABUS.SY_ and NVRAID.SY_ twice within your nLited CD (within the i386 root and within one of the i386\NLDRV subfolders). The files IDECOI.DLL and NVCOI.DLL are necessary Co-Installer files for the driver NVATABUS.SYS. You will find these entries within the NVATABUS.INF. All these files (SYS=drivers, INF=information files and DLL=coinstallers) have to be within the same folder. Otherwise the driver would not be installed during GUIMODE part of the Setup. In earlier versions of nLite all PnP and textmode drivers were put into one folder (named NLDRV or OEMDIR). Since nLite RC7 each driver is stored within a separate subfolder. Other CD creating tools store the drivers within the $OEM$\§1\drivers folder. So the answer to your question, if a separate folder for the integrated drivers is necessary, must be a "Yes!", but only for the GUIMODE part of the installation. The separation of each driver within the driver folder is not really necessary, but more clearly laid out for the user. Is this answer satisfying for you?
  5. The NVRAIDSERVICE.EXE is part of the so-called RAIDTOOL, which is not needed at all.Do the following: Start > Run > edit "msconfig" (without quotation marks) Within the System Configuration Utility open the "Startup" menue and look for NVRAIDSERVICE > disable this service After a reboot your problem should be gone. Yes, nLite can do it at once. At the end you will have a Windows XP with integrated SP2 and integrated nForce SataRaid drivers (no F6, SP2 is totally included). CU Fernando
  6. Obviously yes. Look here: http://www.freshee.info/shutdown_reboot_restart_12762.htmlBut I would recommend to search for the reason of your shutdown/restart problem. Maybe you find it here: http://www.aumha.org/win5/a/shtdwnxp.htm Good luck! Fernando
  7. No, that is not the normal way. You must have a problem with your OS or with your PSU.If you don't want to install XP again, search for a tool called "Shutdown now". After the install of this tool you can shutdown your pc very easy by hitting a desktop button. CU Fernando
  8. Try to go to "Run.." and edit "cmd" (without the quotation marks).Now opens the DOS box. Edit the following: "shutdown -s", if you want to shutdown and "shutdown -r", if you want to reboot. If this fails, I would do a new install of Windows XP with your nLited CD. Are you sure, that your PSU is ok and strong enough?
  9. The EXE file for the shutdown of the computer is named SHUTDOWN.EXE. You find it within the folder WINDOWS\System32, when you are using Windows XP, and within the folder WINNT\System32, if you are using Windows 2000.CU Fernando
  10. If you don't know, if you have a RAID array, then you don't have one.As I have exactly the same mainboard as you, I will try to help you nevertheless: At first step you should try to boot off the original Windows XP CD without pressing F6 or inserting a floppy. If XP detects your SATA disk, you may either format your just installed OS and reinstall XP without any integrated drivers or you can prepare a new nLited XP CD with the following changes: 1. You may integrate the SATA_IDE subfolder of your nForce chipset package 6.70 as PnP driver. 2. Don't integrate the nForce Raid driver (NVRAID.SYS). If XP does not detect your SATA drive, do the following: 1. Integrate the LEGACY subfolder as TEXTMODE driver, but choose only the SATA driver (NVATABUS.SYS). 2. Don't integrate the Raid driver (NVRAID.SYS). Good luck! Fernando
  11. If you don't have a Raid array, you should not use my guide (post 1 of this thread).Look here, what I have written: Attention: The following guide is only useful for users with an nForce Raid array!Have you tried to boot off your Windows XP CD without hitting F6?
  12. This is not a driver problem, but a hardware one. Normally Windows XP does not need any special SATA driver for the detection of a SATA hdd.Do you really have a RAID array? If yes, is it "healthy" (shown at second boot screen)? How many hdd's and what sort (SATA1/SATA2/IDE) do you have? Please check your boot sequence within your BIOS. Your first booting hdd should be your Raid array with Windows XP installed onto drive C:. Have a look into your partitions (for example by using a tool like Partition Magic or Acronis Disk Director), if your fresh installed Windows XP really is on drive C. Remove all USB sticks before you are booting. If you have an nForce SataRaid system, you only have to integrate the LEGACY folder as TEXTMODE driver. This is essential, because otherwise your Raid array would not ne detected by Windows XP.All the other nForce drivers (SMBus, Ethernet etc.) and the drivers for other devices (graphic adapter, printer etc.) are not really needed for a successful installation, but it is more comfortable, if you have already the newest drivers for all of your devices "on board", when you are creating a bootable XP CD with integrated drivers. CU Fernando
  13. Your problem has nothing to do with the nForceSataRaid driver integration and probably not with nLite.Did you get any error message? What is about your device manager? Everything ok there (no yellow marks)? Have you tried to reboot or to hit the Reset button? Normally these issues disappear after a reboot of the OS. If not, you should "google" a little bit and see if other users have a tip for you to solve the problem.
  14. Can you please explain what you mean?If the installation failed, I need some informations about your system (mainboard and chipset, hdd details etc.) and a description at what point the installation stopped.
  15. @ Pingwax, thank you very much for your interesting post, which could be very helpful for other users with an nForce3 chipset mainboard. There is something you have misunderstood. Within my guide (the first post of this thread) you don't find such a recommendation.The "normal" way is to integrate just the LEGACY subfolder of the 6.70 package (even for users with an nForce3 mainboard), but if you don't succeed with this driver version (because of your low BIOS version) you have to take the 6.53 or the 5.11 driver package (instead of the 6.70 one). There is nothing said about something to copy from the 6.70 into the 6.53 package! Thanks again! Fernando
  16. That is totally correct. You should it ignore as the message "hit any key", which you get several times during the installation of an OS (each time when it reboots).
  17. I am afraid, that you will not get an answer, because only a few users of this thread are reading more than the first post (with the guide for the integration of the nForce SataRaid drivers).So I give you the advice just to try to build your Sil Raid5 array and to create a bootable XP CD with integrated Sil SataRaid drivers. It is much easier to slipstream the Sil SataRaid drivers than the nForce ones. Things to pay attention on: a ) Assure yourself, that your hdd's are connected to the correct Sil controllers. b ) Format (low format level) all hdd's, before you build the Raid array. c ) The Raid bust be correctly created (shown as "healthy" in the boot screen) and set as bootable. d ) The boot partition should be C:\. e ) Take the correct Raid5 drivers. f ) Integrate the Sil Raid5 and the SATA drivers as TEXTMODE drivers. Good luck! Fernando
  18. Each new nLite release included a lot of changes with positive and negative influences on the big varietry of pc systems.That is the reason why Nuhi as the "composer" of nLite should know about your findings. As Nuhi normally does not look into this thread (which is mostly moderated by me as the starter of this thread), I want to encourage you to report about your experiences with the different RC versions within another thread (for example here: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=69223) or to start a new thread within the nLite forum. Thanks! CU Fernando
  19. That is really strange, because the files IDECOI.DLL and NVATABUS.INF (not the NVATA.CAT) are absolutely needed for the successful install of the SataRaid drivers.Is it possible, that you installed the SataRaid drivers twice (as TEXTMODE and PnP)?
  20. It would be helpful, if you give us some informations about your system (mainboard, chipset, hdd's) and the name of the files, which could not be found by the XP setup.CU Fernando
  21. Was your Raid array correctly detected by XP setup during the first (TEXTMODE) part of the installation?You can prevent the reboot, if you hit F8 at the startup and then choose the option "no reboot at system failure". If you are doing this, you probably get a real error message, which shows us the way to solve your problem. No, you always need only a single folder (a folder with an INF file in it) for the integration of a driver. What I meant is, that there is no reason to copy files off other subfolders, when you choose the easy method by just taking the LEGACY subfolder.CU Fernando
  22. @ all users of this thread, who want help: As I will not be at home for 5 weeks, I cannot take part in this thread for a while, but I am sure, that there are other forum members, who will help you. I'll be back here at the end of May. CU Fernando EDIT: I had to cancel my trip - so I will be present for needed help.
  23. @ all users of this thread, who want help: As I am not at home for 5 weeks, I cannot take part in this thread for a while, but I am sure, that there are other forum members, who will help you. I'll be back here at the end of May. CU Fernando EDIT: I had to cancel my trip - so I will be present for needed help.
  24. Yes, that is no problem at all!Good luck! Fernando
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