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Posts posted by geo411m
I havent tried the waik or imagex and those tools, but seems like only way to go.
Are there any particular steps i would need to do to accomplish this? You make it sound so easy =)
It is easy with this tool HERE this tool makes imagex alot easier if you're not into command lines.
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How about using imagex to export the wim you want, then use vlite to rebuild iso. the gimagex tool makes exporting images a breeze.
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geo411m nice ini but u could remove more
I know but when i tried to it broke add remove feature. I think it still need "Help" thats the only really large file left. what else can be removed that you know of?
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So any update on when we will see a component removal that supports Server 2008?
What can I actually remove, without breaking the add feature option?
I know I can remove languages and drivers, is that it?
Are lots of stuff I want to get rid of
Here's my Last Session.ini file. final iso size is 788mb. All server features work that i'm aware of.
Edit: check my later post for revised ini
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Maybe you can use this utility: Offline Sysprep
It's called offlie sysprep and it should work fine if you mount the WIM in R/W. Hopefully this helps you out.
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mmm, its seems when used in sysprep like this,
extracted the 7z files to WINDOWS/Driver Cache/i386
used sysprep driver scanner to scan this directory
used sysprep -bmsd
then sysprep with -mini -reseal -pnp
i get a BSOD in a real machine. i did sysprep on Virtual Box
when i do sysprep in VMware i remove the scsi and video driver before running sysprep and it works fine. i'm having problem getting sysprep to finish when i add all the massstorage drivers to sysprep.inf. it just runs for an infinite amount of time. i also found a nice trick from another forum, you can add drivers to an offline image using PEIMG tool from WAIK just make sure you have a folder called USERS on the root of the system drive. let me know if you manage to get all the massstorage drivers working.
it seems when you use PEIMG to inject drivers into your image you don't need to add the Hardware IDs into your sysprep.inf file. i just made an image in VMWare and tranfered it to HP laptop with Sata ACHI enabled in the bios and i didn't add any hardware ids to sysprep.
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As far as sysprep and XP you should be able to download the driverpacks and run DPBase and select the sysprep option and you should have no problems.
Where is that option?
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I also have an HP laptop and when i hibernate the screen goes immediately black and then harddrive grinds for about 2 minutes. there's no progress bar like in xp.
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i can confirm i'm having the problem too. i thought that was how vista hibernated.
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i too have noticed some bugs with functionality. like snipping tool not running unless right click on and ran as administrator. there are other but this one is real pain for me. i dont remove alot either, i only remove languages, media center, tablet pc, help, and speech which by the way removes over 4gigs. i feel like permissions gets screwed somehow as this doesn't happen if i logon in true admin account.
i found that when i disable UAC all my errors go away, when i enable it they all come back. maybe thats why most people aren't having problems cause they disable UAC.
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i too have noticed some bugs with functionality. like snipping tool not running unless right click on and ran as administrator. there are other but this one is real pain for me. i dont remove alot either, i only remove languages, media center, tablet pc, help, and speech which by the way removes over 4gigs. i feel like permissions gets screwed somehow as this doesn't happen if i logon in true admin account.
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vLite does this already. it uses the generic key that vista uses when you install without a key. i wont post the key but you can download vlite and make unattended to see the key vlite uses.
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thanks jaclaz, i give those sites a whirl.
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1st question:DEL del /f /a /q "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\StartVista.lnk"
DEL del ?
Semi-random hints:
What happens on a normally booted Vista if you open a command prompt and simply give the command?
DEL del /f /a /q "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\StartVista.lnk"
opps thats one problem. even after i remove the double "del" and run the command from a normally booted vista i get "could not find". even if i run prompt as admin. i'm kinda new with scripting as you can tell.
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I'm having a problem with my CMD file. I'm using $OEM$ folder to place a shortcut in my startup folder to run a cmd file that applys my regtweaks and then deletes its own shortcut from startup folder and reboots. unfortunately it doesn't work and after reboot the shortcut is still there starting the whole cycle again.
TITLE Registry Tweaks
ECHO Applying Registry Tweaks...
ECHO All done! Now Windows Vista will reboot one last time...
ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------------
DEL del /f /a /q "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\StartVista.lnk"
EXITany help would be greatly appreciated.
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see, i think there is a problem with programs needing admin priviledges. even the snipping tool wont run unless you run as admin.
Well, my snipping tool works just fine - as evidenced by the image of the error in the first post.
I did remove "Secondary Logon" from the installation - the description of that entry in Vlite reads that Run As Administrator still works even if it is removed, but perhaps he is mistaken? Perhaps this is why the option is greyed out in the compatibility tab under file properties? I don't have a "normal" install of Vista handy to compare to. I don't recall ever using that option from the properties window - only from the right-click context menu.
are you running as built in admin? my snip tools worked fine when i ran as that admin. also remove "Secondary Logon". i'll create a vlite cd later leaving in "Secondary Logon" and see if problems go away.
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Thanks, I just tried that - but it didn't work.
EDIT: I just tried "Run as Administrator" when right-clicking. The File Properties -> Compatibility -> Privilege Level -> Run this program as an administrator" is greyed out.
see, i think there is a problem with programs needing admin priviledges. even the snipping tool wont run unless you run as admin.
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i've seen this problem too. i solved it by running the program as administrator. i think vlite changes something with users that some programs run like this unless run as administrator.
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Has anyone tried to install Windows XP using Vista setup process (which is basically WinPE 2.0)?
I figured this would be the process:
1) Install XP using it's setup process.Configure everything the way you want. Install all the apps you want.
2) Capture the image using ImageX. Call it install.wim. Unsure what the label would be but I imagine it can be any one of the Vista labels such as BUSINESS, ULTIMATE, HOMEBASIC, etc.
3) Replace Vista's install.wim with the XP one.
4) Start vista setup to install XP.
You could apply the image, but the only advantage of Vista setup is the GUI that allows you to choose, format HDD's, etc. Moreover, you could have both Vista and XP on this one image. Maybe the size would be small too if XP and Vista have similar files.
Drawbacks would be, of course, you can't apply the settings that XP setup would want.
it doesn't work right, I tried. It works untill it hits configuring updates then it errors and needs to restart. my XP booted up stating that boot.ini was missing or corupt.
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yes its called windows media lite. it allows you to play wmv files without having media player or its codec installed.
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So much for "Vista SP1" more like "Vista WTF"
The really crappy thing is those hotfixes add about 60Mb o the ISO so I was removing
a lot more stuff than I could be, OK back to my original plan then of just adding ONLY
the hotfixes shown on Windows Update (Theres only about 12, not 90+ like on that
Vista SP1 page)
OK, I will just strip it, using the same Last Session I was originally that kept quite a few
more things (not Windows SAT, I will still remove that) and I will post back...
... theres your warning folks, don't integrate ALL the hotfixes from that page! At least
this is all I can narrow it down to as far as the Aero Glass not working goes...
i did the the same thing slipstreaming all those hotfixes. its not worth it really. you lose 60 megs of space that could other wise be used for features. once u lose a feature its gone and hotfixes get replaced every month anyway, so next month your up to date cd will be out dated.
also i don't know if its been mentioned here but if you don't run the install from windows you can delete all files in the sources folder except both .wim files and that will save you an additional 70+ megs.
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he's not using areo glass thats why he doen't have all aero features.
[Guide] Win server 2008
in vLite
I've gotten my server install even smaller but breaking under 700mb may be impossible while keeping add/ remove feature from breaking. my latest size is 746mb.