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Everything posted by dvz

  1. Hello , tried Nero aswell and the CD is booting at first when it reaches the blue setup screen and after the question if you want to install another raite controller then Microsoft it still asks me to put the Win xp CD in drive A. I'm totally lost now i followed the exact guide described on the link you gave me. I think it's missing some files it needs at boot in the 386 folder. however if i start the setup from win 98 and choose a new install it copies some files then reboots and it install win xp why does it install from whitin win 98 and not from boot ?? GrTz DvZ
  2. Hello AaronXP I created manually an bootable cd with xpboot.bin and ezcd 5 don't have corpfiles.zip (can't find them) i tought all the files i need to boot are already in 386 folder and that i only needed the xpboot.bin to make it bootable isn't it ?? DvZ
  3. I've created a bootable windows xp cdrom but when it boots it's seems to boot at first it comes with the blue setup screen and then it suddenly askes for : Place the windows xp profesional cdrom in drive A and press enter. Now I'm not gonna try that :-) does any one know how to solve this Thx DvZ
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